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Suggestion: Changable conversion amount for Adaptive Industrial Systems

New Item in production queue named Ind-Food-Conversion
Food-Display-Area on System Screen as toggle button [This is my favourite choice]
Food-Display-Area as push button which opens a slider to set amount of converted food
like 3. but cycling through all available (allows sacrificing population for industry)
No change
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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 9:00:03 PM
I found myself hardly using the star system improvement called Adaptive Industrial Systems (this is the smiley: food->smiley: industry conversion) although I'm playing with the Sophons most of the time. This is because if I build that improvement, population growth is reduced to 0 as all surplus food is converted into industry.

My suggestion is to let the player choose the amount of converted food per star system after the Adaptive Industrial Systems improvement has been built.

I'll explain the poll options in detail here:

  • New Item in production queue named Ind-Food-Conversion

    After the improvement is built, there is a new item available in the production queue named Ind-Food-Conversion. When this is the first item on the production queue, all surplus food will be converted to industry. All items following this one will be produced with the converted industry. To switch off conversion, remove the item from the queue or enqueue it a second time. That way you can use Food-Ind-Conversion for building improvements till Psychological Insulation (+1 pop per planet, +1 addtl. pop for explored moon) or something comparable and than switch it off for population growth.
  • Food-Display-Area on System Screen as toggle button [Thisismyfavouritechoice]

    The area displaying the current food on the Star System Screen is a toggle button which can be pressed after improvement is built (defaults to pressed after completion of improvement). If this button is pressed, then Food-Ind-Conversion is enabled and if it's not pressed, Food-Ind-Conversion is disabled. I feel this would fit best in the current UI as it's plain and simple.
  • Food-Display-Area on System Screen as push button which opens a slider to set amount of converted food

    At the same place as described in b) there is a push button instead of a toggle button. If this button is pushed, a slider is opened to choose the amount of food being converted. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is the amount of surplus food. If food surplus gets below the selected value (for example because of decreased approval) then this value is automatically decreased to max. surplus.
  • like c) but cycling through all available (allows sacrificing population for industry)

    This is a variant of option c) where the maximum value is the maximum amount of the produced food. If you select to convert more food than you have in surplus, population will starve. In this variant, there will be a smart maximum value called "surplus" which will ensure that onle surplus food is converted (current behaviour). If you select another value greater than 0 than this amount is always converted no matter if this is surplus.

  • [/LIST]
    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jan 9, 2013, 9:21:31 PM
    Considering how late game this improvement is, I am not sure I agree with your assessment.
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    12 years ago
    Jan 9, 2013, 9:34:55 PM
    Igncom1 wrote:
    Considering how late game this improvement is, I am not sure I agree with your assessment.

    It is late if you prefer to research the other tech trees before or if you research the trees balanced. But if you focus on researching the science tech tree and you play a faction which is good in research (like the Sophons with their +30% :sciencesmiley: smile then it could be useful in mid game phase already.
    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jan 9, 2013, 10:00:42 PM
    Agreed, but unlike most improvements this one requires some forethought to use, so I like the trade off it presents when you use it (Growth? or Industry?).
    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jan 10, 2013, 5:52:31 PM
    You are aware that there was an undocumented change to this Improvement that means it won't convert any Food to Industry until you hit the population cap on a system?

    Along with a bucket of other undocumented changes.
    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jan 10, 2013, 7:47:51 PM

    The that circumvents this thread.
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    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jan 11, 2013, 5:00:31 PM
    Waylander1982 wrote:
    You are aware that there was an undocumented change to this Improvement that means it won't convert any Food to Industry until you hit the population cap on a system?

    Along with a bucket of other undocumented changes.

    Actually, I didn't know that. I checked it and can confirm, so this thread is surplus by now smiley: cool
    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jan 11, 2013, 7:10:34 PM
    Though such things have already been proposed, there hasn't been anything in such detail, as far as I remember, but it is already implemented, as Waylander pointed out, correctly.

    Moved to the archives.
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