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[Composite] UI Annoyances List

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12 years ago
Sep 12, 2012, 1:07:17 AM
I didn't see any of these in the dead-horse thread, so sorry if there are repeats. As a software developer I don't really think these should be difficult to implement, but they were all annoyances that added up (the battle timer was what broke the camel's back, and that is covered in the other thread)

  • Prevent end of turn if a system is not producing anything. I hate it when I realize 4 turns later that I forgot to set production on a system I just conquered or colonized. As far as I can tell there's no benefit to not producing something (if nothing else,
  • Provide a 'cancel planned movement' button it wasn't obvious how to make my fleet stop going somewhere entirely if it ended it's movement on a system.
  • Notify me when I have the funds to hire a hero I don't know how many games I restarted because I forgot to hire one on the second turn (not having enough funds on the first turn) and didn't realize until the 12th turn. The impact is just too big that early on to keep playing.
  • Give me a button to cycle through fleets with movement points remaining. It was super annoying to realize that while I had launched that colony ship and gotten it to the destination, I forgot to colonize the system for 3+ turns. This also segues into the next complaint, which is:
  • Give me the option to auto-create fleets upon creation I have only won one game of Endless Space (I bought it last week), and it was through a conquest victory (conquer 75% of space?). I almost quit the game before winning because fleet management was so painful. Each turn I loaded up the system list and had to click twice for each system that had produced a ship (most could do so every 2 turns - with 25+ systems this quickly got tedious).
  • Allow me to set rally points for fleets in systems who have no orders This was the second tedious issue with such large fleet organization. I had a forward staging system for creating large fleets, but had to manually move 10-15 ships by hand each turn.
  • Better help: Victory conditions I couldn't find anywhere in the game a breakdown of the different win conditions except on the advanced tab of the game creation screen. When thrown into my first game I'm not going to go create a new one just to figure them out, and I had already turned off any tutorials by the time I was wondering what they were.
  • Better help: Depleted planets/Overexploitation I had no idea until near the end of my first win that planets could be depleted via overexploitation, nor whether this was fixable (could I switch exploitation to a different type?). My second game, as Cravers, I noticed an 'over explotation' counter, but it never really explained it, and my turns against it seemed to count even though I hadn't built an exploitation yet. Further, it was never revealed that the cravers got this bonus.
  • Ability to speed up combat scenes I would love to be able to skip the 'report' phase, and to skip the approach phase if I've picked a card and checked some sort of 'lock choice' button. If the report phase can't be skipped due to some background process, it would be nice to see an actual report on the screen during that phase.
  • Better help: Post-Op Analyticals There is no indication anywhere that this is an automatic, passive bonus. I looked all over the place for a way to 'assign' the bonus to one of my leaders and gave up. I shouldn't have to go to 3rd party wikis or websites for this information.

I think if a lot of these were addressed I could be convinced to reinstall the game and play it more, but as it stands the game gets a thumbs-down from me, which is a shame since it seems to have a lot of potential.
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 9:08:36 AM
I'm only playing my first game, but I think I may be able to help you a bit.

You can very easily see how many ships are stationed on each system (not in fleets) by zooming in a bit closer. There will be a ship icon with a number on the upper right corner of the system name.

To get your new ships moving from a planet with no fleets orbiting, there's a small ship icon to the right of the system. Click on it - you'll see the ships in the hangar - then click 'create' and then right click on destination.
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 11:48:34 PM
I agree with all of these proposals. Especially the auto-create feature for fleets, and the "Prevent end of turn if a system is not producing anything". I hope it comes up in the G2G voting system
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 2:23:55 AM
1) Agreed on the "end turn with non-production" - this could easily be a "critical alert" just like the lack of research and deficit spending alerts.

2) "Cancel planned movement" can be done easily by just clicking the system the ship is already located in, I don't see a need for a separate button for this.

3) This notification could easily get annoying, especially later on when you have heroes available and the funds, but are waiting for a different hero to show up due to academy space...

4) Cycling Fleets - I'd love to see this as a hotkey for sure, might make the UI a bit cluttered to be adding buttons everywhere for features like this, but definitely the functionality as a hotkey would be great.

5/6) I think these should be combined into one function, where IF a rally point is set, the ships produced will automatically launch from the hangar in the largest fleets possible (in the rare cases of producing more ships than your CP limit per fleet, create multiple fleets) and move to the destination. Especially if the suggestion I saw posted elsewhere for notifications when fleets complete pre-planned moves (similar to auto-explore running out of locations) was implemented, this would make large-scale ship production management MUCH less tedious in the end game, and allow the focus on more important system development in the midgame, especially with a turn timer enabled.

7) Victory conditions are explained in various places, but I haven't found any other single location with ALL the victory conditions listed and described except for that advanced screen. This is another example of the generally light documentation available outside of tooltips I believe.

8) The Craver mechanic is actually described directly in the affinity, so I'm not sure what caused the issue for you here...

9) General improvements to the combat interface, and auto-battles with card choices in particular, appear to be in the works - I'll hold off on commenting on additional changes until I see how much the already planned ones help the current situation.

10) All of the tech effects with a "star" in the icon are global effects. I do agree that the wording "when assigned on hero" is awkward though (Temple of Accumulated Knowledge and I believe a few other places use this wording as well; I think it's just an issue with the English translation not quite making as much sense as intended).
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 2:28:09 PM
Need to be able to loop thru the task completed list (identical to the way you can go-to-next-system but only those which have completed an improvement). Mid/Late game the build box is constantly needing tweaks due to new techs and it is tedious to have to go back to the completed list and scroll to each system in succession.

Go-To or Path preview method. Something like Shift+Click to see what path a ship will take and/or how far it can go without actually going anywhere. Too many fleets can end up being moved trying to find one which can get to a trouble spot.

FIX THE BG on the fleet list. The translucent BG means the contrast often dependent on the local influence color and makes the list unreadable. I dont play as often or as long anymore due to eye strain from this.

Armada templates. Allow us to define an armada as 4 x ABC ships, 2 x XYZ ships etc so we can add fleet-packs to the build queue en masse. And dont limit them to some arbitrary number (like 10): some systems might build entire armadas while in other cases it might be split between 2 or more. As is, late game becomes a click-fest adding ships to build boxes.
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 6:53:03 PM
All suggestions the OP made makes sense, even tho I haven't encountered all of them myself yet. I would love to see them included in future versions of the game.
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 7:06:33 PM
prassel wrote:
All suggestions the OP made makes sense, even tho I haven't encountered all of them myself yet. I would love to see them included in future versions of the game.

Good list, they all make sense, indeed - i haven't really encountered them yet, too - but yes, this beeing implemented would be good!
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 9:27:48 PM
raccoon_tof wrote:

2) "Cancel planned movement" can be done easily by just clicking the system the ship is already located in, I don't see a need for a separate button for this.

The problem is that it's totally not obvious.

raccoon_tof wrote:

3) This notification could easily get annoying, especially later on when you have heroes available and the funds, but are waiting for a different hero to show up due to academy space...

It only has to pop up when you move from state (unable to hire a hero) to (able to hire a hero). You can keep the 'new hero' notification, but I'd like to know when I have the funds to afford one, especially since it seems very critical in the early game.

raccoon_tof wrote:

8) The Craver mechanic is actually described directly in the affinity, so I'm not sure what caused the issue for you here...

The problem is that this is another case (much like victory conditions) where you can't actually figure it out without leaving the current game in progress. I shouldn't have to save my game, exit it, and go to start a new one (or google) to figure out how Locust points work.
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11 years ago
Apr 23, 2013, 9:15:46 AM
Composite suggestion, moved to the archives.
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