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Create all ships Button

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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 8:14:12 PM
So in a lot of my multiplayer games i have 10-13 systems and oftentimes the game gets to a point where I have most of them building ships and bringing them to the frontline. However, there is also a turn timer on often, and creating each ship in every hangar and giving every single ship a move to command is extremely time consuming.

I would like to request a "Create all ships in hangars" button in galaxy view. If ships cannot be created due to fleet size restrictions, then simply have an a.i. auto fleet them accordingly.

In addition to this a "Move all idle ships to" button would be amazingly useful, or at least some kind of rally point system.
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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 9:15:31 PM
Agreed, definitely a rally point system for created ships is needed and would go great with this button.

What happens if the button is pressed and enemy fleets are in orbit/invading? I guess they would be auto-attacked by the invaders or.. ?
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