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[Composite] UI Improvements to Reduce Tedium

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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 11:19:38 PM
It's great that additional contents are being added to the game, but there haven't been any improvements to the UI, including very simple ones that can greatly enhance the UI efficiency.

Queue Management

  • Insert item (ship or building) to top of existing queue, e.g. CTRL + click
  • Repeating item, e.g. a toggle to repeat current production, such as a ship
  • Manage multiple system queues at once

    • Add/remove item x to selected systems
    • Swap all systems producing x with y (e.g. change all system producing finance to science)

  • [/LIST]

    Empire Management

  • Easy way to identify systems with available improvements, moons, terraform, e.g. by adding additional columns in the overview

  • [/LIST]

    Fleet Management

  • Rally point, or rally to system

  • [/LIST]

    Love the game, but the lack of some UI features have made even simple tasks tedious. Please consider implementing them.
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    12 years ago
    Mar 15, 2013, 11:39:56 AM
    Adding a bit more keyboard shortcuts is always a nice addition and the idea of rally points is very interesting.

    You have my thumbs up !
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    11 years ago
    Apr 23, 2013, 9:21:58 AM
    Composite suggestion, moved to the archives.
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