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[Question] Damage Calculations and Defenses

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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 9:12:52 AM
What do we know about the calculations of damage, accuracy, rate of fire, critical hits, etc. during each phase of a battle? There seems to be some level of uncertainty regarding these mechanics. For example I'm pretty sure that damage is never mitigated from defense. Instead for each "bullet", "beam" or "missile" is it checked wether the defense value is higher then its offensive value. If it is, no damage is done. Because kinetics fire several bullets in each phase it looks like damage is mitigated but in fact only a few bullets go through. But I'm not quite sure how these defense/offensive values are calculated and derived from.

And I'm sure we do not get what we see, the battle cinematics are just eye-candy trying to show us what the model behind the battles already had calculated.
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