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Percentages in combat? modding admiral stats...

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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 12:21:23 PM
Okay folks,

i've been fooling around with the save game files, modding them in the manner already established but i've come across a curiousity...

So i hire a agent and make him a 'Fleet Admiral'.

I mod him with a defensive bonus of something like 30000 and return to the game.

Looking at his buff stats, it says he increases the defensive stats by something like 12000%.

Now here's the curious thing, this obviously makes my fleet pretty damned god-like but, at late game, When the AI has started getting the more impressive techs, they actually do start to punch through my defenses.

I would have thought that with 12000% increases would make any defense inpenetrable; i give my ships solid armour and a decent amount of omni-defense yet I can still lose one or two ships when going up against a powerful but vanilla enemy fleet.

This leaves me wondering about whether this is because combat calcs take buff effects into account but still allow a minimal amount of 'bleed through'...

...or whether Admiral buffs aren't absolute when it comes to affecting the fleet under their command. athe factnthat i give the Admiral defensive buff a number of 30000 and yet it only raisies the defensive stat by a little over half that gives more credence to this.

Is this on purporse, d'ya think? it just seems a little...odd.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 3:50:58 PM
There could be an internal cap in the battle AI that after some point there is no gain, or maybe the ridiculous number is throwing off other calculations, or maybe the AI see's your 12000% and counters it with 10000% offense. smiley: wink Try a more sane number and see if there is any difference, max I've ever made any of those numbers was 25.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 5:32:33 PM
KnightHawk wrote:
There could be an internal cap in the battle AI that after some point there is no gain, or maybe the ridiculous number is throwing off other calculations, or maybe the AI see's your 12000% and counters it with 10000% offense. smiley: wink Try a more sane number and see if there is any difference, max I've ever made any of those numbers was 25.

Sane? Pah!

smiley: smile No, I started off small. I tried 200 first and then worked my way up to 1000. The increase in defense was obvious and functional yet some damage still leaked through.

i was curious to see if I could make a fleet invulnerable with modding the Admiral's stats but like i said, at later tech levels, the offense ability to focus-fire still manages to overwhelm the non-spreadable defense stats.

i'm finding the the offense/defense calcs to be less...straightfoward than i might have hoped.

I would imagine that when we get fully expressed XML files, it'll make more sense.

Protip: Making your Wit skill 1000+ is pretty cool and has minimal effect other than to hasten research somewhat and generate large amounts of cash. Making your Labour 1000+ isn't as much fun. Influence seems to be tied to Labour more strongly and your 'influence' grows stupendously large, preventing early enemy colonisation efforts on small maps... smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 6:40:07 AM
i was curious to see if I could make a fleet invulnerable

Yup that's where I thought you were headed.

calcs to be less...straightfoward than i might have hoped.

We can add that to the list of other topics where that applies. smiley: wink

Making your Labour 1000+ isn't as much fun.
What you don't like turning out a dozen maxed out dreadnoughts in one turn? Yeah neither do I just buy them with the gobs of dust in the treasury. smiley: smile

I would imagine that when we get fully expressed XML files, it'll make more sense.

I wouldn't entirely count on that. haha

I did not notice that about the influence relation to labor though (probably cause I was only moderately increasing the values), good catch thanks.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 4:33:43 PM
Devs stated that there's a slight chance that weapons do a minimal damage, even when absorbed/intercepted/deflected
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