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Do not attempt to decompile Assembly-CSharp, it won't work modified

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12 years ago
Jul 20, 2012, 6:36:12 PM
So Yeah,

the title basically sums up my exploits and serves as a warning to others. Decompiling Assembly-CSharp and recompiling it again will not work - The game hangs after creating Bootloader and I can't trace the source of the Hang.

So to avoid anyone else wasting that much time fixing the source, don't do it, it won't work smiley: frown

On a completely unrelated note if anyone compiled Mono and could send me cpu_x86.h I'd be grateful.
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 7:19:34 AM
I use reflector and when I decompiled it, it didn't come out properly. Which is annoying, but to be expected.

There are two ways of doing it, you can decompile it all with ildasm and recompile it with ilasm, and that works fine. The only problem is you have to code in cil, which is .net assembly. The other way is using the reflector plugin, reflexil. That lets you modify and replace specific functions with c# code. It tends to work well.
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 8:40:14 AM
Thanks for the hint, unfortunately this method is good only for small fixes, as the reflexil compiler does not support base class references and modifying IL line by line using GUI is tedious at best. Maybe i'll dig around Cecil to see if I can't do some automatic hack transplanting between compiled DLL's.

Anyways, back to the old drawing board it seems
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