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Save Game Editing

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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 12:53:23 PM
Any help with adding tech ?

Also will the game crash if you add more than one anomaly ?
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12 years ago
Jul 25, 2012, 8:25:36 PM
I love Notepad++, but I also found this Microsoft tool that lets you cleanly edit the XML and you don't have to reformat it first:

XML Notepad 2007:


The easiest way to get whatever research you want by editing the save file is to first queue up all the research you want done, and then in the save file, go to the ministry of science agency in your empire, and find the queue\overproduction field. That's the amount of reserach points that will be applied to the queue next turn. Change that to a big number. Then reload the game, start your next turn, and receive all the new techs you queued up.

As far as trainers, Cheathappens.com makes a trainer, but you have to be a paid member to use it. It's really easy to edit the savegame, though, so a trainer isn't too necessary.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 8:50:23 PM
SamsonUK wrote:
One way to reformat the one line into xml is to use Notepad++ and add the XML Tools plugin.

Download Notepad++

Install and run and go through the following menus -

Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager

Scroll down to near the bottom of the Plugin Manager, find XML Tools, tick it and click Install.

Notepad++ will ask to restart, do it.

Then open the save file you want to edit and go through the following menus -

Plugins > XML Tools > Pretty Print (XML only - with line breaks).

It will reformat the one line into a more readable XML format.

You don't have to reformat back to one line, once you've made changes, save and move it back to the bin file. Just tested this and it works fine.

If you want Notepad++ to format the XML properly into nodes, add the .xml extension to the file and reopen it. Remove the extension before you move it back to the bin file.
Thanks this makes a ton easier to read.
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 9:47:22 PM
One way to reformat the one line into xml is to use Notepad++ and add the XML Tools plugin.

Download Notepad++

Install and run and go through the following menus -

Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager

Scroll down to near the bottom of the Plugin Manager, find XML Tools, tick it and click Install.

Notepad++ will ask to restart, do it.

Then open the save file you want to edit and go through the following menus -

Plugins > XML Tools > Pretty Print (XML only - with line breaks).

It will reformat the one line into a more readable XML format.

You don't have to reformat back to one line, once you've made changes, save and move it back to the bin file. Just tested this and it works fine.

If you want Notepad++ to format the XML properly into nodes, add the .xml extension to the file and reopen it. Remove the extension before you move it back to the bin file.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 1:08:19 PM
Aye, I'm having the same problem. Don't know why but something seems to have changed since release as when I started a new game and went to try and edit the starting system so it loosely resembled Sol all I got was the same jumbled up paragraph.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 4:53:52 PM
I managed to open the file up and it's just one jumbled run on paragraph with no order what so ever. Is this the same for you guys? I can't discern any sort of order or ownership of any of the lines.

I am trying to edit my Hero's namely, but can't figure out which one belongs to me. Any help?
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 12:29:15 PM
davea wrote:
What specific folder are you looking in? The save games are in \Endless Space\Saves.

Yeah, that one. Could it possibly just be slow to sync with Steam? I fiddled around elsewhere for a bit, and when I checked again just to make sure I wasn't going crazy, autosaves were there. Still not my Sheredyn - Turn 1 save, though.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 10:58:41 PM
What specific folder are you looking in? The save games are in \Endless Space\Saves.
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13 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 9:31:03 PM
Sorry to necro this thread, but this seemed the best place to ask...I've been trying to mod my save game, but it isn't showing up in the save folder. In game, I have a number of saves with various factions, various turns. When I go into Documents, though, the folder is empty.

Anyone know what's going on?
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 11:22:03 PM
What do you mean by finding your tech tree? You mean which Empire it's under?

You are Empire index Zero

pRoot/Game/Empires/Empire[@index='0']/Agencies/Agency(DepartmentOfScience)/Unlocked/Technologies Is where you would add the techonology codes you want to add. (remember to update the Count property if removing or adding a tech)

pRoot/Game/Empires/Empire[@index='0']/Simulation/Descriptors where you will add any needed descriptors that go along with certain techs. how do you know which get added? you compare files and experiment a bit, others are more logically named)

The spreadsheet already linked in the thread here helps a little but some of it you need to find via trial and error as things are added and changed names change etc.. with every couple builds. /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16200-endless-space-codes-anomaly-research-hero-etc
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 10:37:39 PM
KnightHawk wrote:
Department of Science my friend, as well as a few empire descriptors depending on the tech.

I don't believe I tried it yet, probably will ignore it like it does multiple moons.

yeah but how do I find my tech tree, is it the first entry? and which techs are which im pretty new to this sorry if I sound noobish :/
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 8:44:02 PM
Any help with adding tech ?

Department of Science my friend, as well as a few empire descriptors depending on the tech.

Also will the game crash if you add more than one anomaly?

I don't believe I tried it yet, probably will ignore it like it does multiple moons.
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13 years ago
May 5, 2012, 6:23:33 PM
okay so this a little on the hows of save game editing

1. the savegame file is located in the my documents endlessspace\users\jedispockspaceranger+5avenger\savegame

2. play the game start a new game and play long enough to get the three heroes and about ten researches queed

3. save the game with a unique name like your name

4. get 7z

5. use 7z to open the file NOTE: right click the file go down the menu select 7z and the select in the next menu open archive

6 . 7z will open it right click the file again and choose edit

7. maybe later i show you what to edit if your not smart enought o figure it out you most likley should not be in there

8 hints. upgrade YOUR heroes bank account and research que and planets

9. things that would be nice

a. a list of planet anomalies names with a reference to there anomalies numbers planet anomalies 29 = what name
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 11:37:42 AM
FYI, the files use standard Bzip2 compression. Almost any archive software can open those.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 2:35:34 PM
ADGeneral wrote:
if you could nad21 can you post a text version of that for download i think alot of the incoming mod community might find valuable

Either that or put the spreadsheet up to a google doc somewhere?
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 8:52:08 PM
On a side note someone needs to make a skyrim in space mod with monty python jokes included

thou shell have 3 dragon laser. not 4 or 5 nor even 6 but only three dragon laser, you shell not have less then 3 nor more then three etc.....
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 8:48:10 PM
if you could nad21 can you post a text version of that for download i think alot of the incoming mod community might find valuable

admiral i agree but oddly enough i changed an arid world to Terran huge and it worked in game changed the population and bonuses automatically. i think maybe the checks are based on the world itself due to transforming in game maybe but ill let someone more experienced in these things figure it all out

as for editing cheats happen already has a trainer out for alpha believe it or not mostly because i asked for it which makes the research a lot easier to get due to the auto reset in game
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:13:44 PM
Ok...since I had a lot of time (well not really) I made a list with all anomalies and effects of it.

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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:19:00 AM
You can easily edit their base stats (Defense/Offense/Melee/Wit/Labor), as well as their experience, ability points and so on.

The stats can go at least up to 65535 (haven't tested farther), and as you can imagine, it's only slightly game breaking smiley: smile GO GO FULLY RESEARCHED BY TURN 10!

Looking at the planets, colonies and what not, I'd imagine that changing a planet type or adding/removing a star lane would be possible, but there appears to be internal checksums.

Example: Want to change a small arid to a huge terran? Not only do you have to change the entry in the solar system area, but there are total planet counts in PlanetTypes and PlanetTypesAndSizes, and probably a few more places.
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