This small modification was created to make warfare technology tree improvements more logical in their development.


The most annoying problem for me in game was that if like tier 1 weapon module ( torpedoes for example ) required strategic resource to be produced, and was affected by number of available deposits, then in almost all cases tier 2 and further didn't require any strategic resource untill the top one. This caused that resource possession and monopoly bonus not affecting most warfare modules making them more expensive than they should have been. My mod fixes it.

All changes:

  • All warfare modules require proper strategic resources
  • Some support modules also require proper resources now
  • Anti-missile defence improved up to ~15% (people claimed it unbalaced and I agree)
  • Changed price for top armor module (from 115 to 98, because previous one costs 45)

Custom Trait Rebalance mod was taken as base so you get all the changes from it also. You can obtain it here:

Credits to davea

Mod download (game version 1.0.9 required) :


Unpack and overwrite files to your ES directory.

Small modding guide:

It took me almost one day to make, but cost me pretty much nerves due to Unity restrictions and no modding tools. So I'll tell you how to avoid my mistakes.

First of all you should get Notepad++ and open *:\***\Endless Space\EndlessSpace_Data\sharedassets17.assets file. Backup it and backup all the time. It contains most game mechanics and consists of few sections that can be represented in XML files. You can learn more about it here -

Now let's talk about file size because it's the most important thing here. It must be the same during all manipulations. For 1.0.9 it vary from 2 255 064 to 2 255 065 bytes. Also number of bytes must be the same in every section/XML (so you can't delete string in one section and add symbols in another - game will crash). Every symbol you remove you must compensate somewhere with other symbol, I used simple semantic comment construction:

But if you want to add something to the game where to take those valuable bytes? smiley: confused

1. Remove developers' comments. They have the same construction as I mentioned nad there're plenty of them (some are like "TODO" or "Bug" smiley: biggrin). You wont need them anyway.

2. Spaces and empty strings. But don't remove spaces between words ofc.

3. Delimeters. String that look like . They eat pretty much space and can be sacrificed.

4. Unused code samples. A lot of commented code parts are placed in this file, probably for future use, but we don't need them right now so fill free to remove.

5. Test code samples. Not sure about it. Only one I found was in WeaponModules section, named "Module_Missile_Test". It freed a lot of bytes with no visible errors. Never seen such module anyway.

Probably that's all for now. I'm experienced Total War modder and completely new to Endless Space smiley: smile, open for suggestion, questions and discussion.