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Increase Fleet Cap

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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 1:40:15 PM
Does anyone know how I can edit the economic tech branch to give more cap ? i.e +3 instead of plus 2?
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 1:52:28 PM
In your Modding-Path: Simulator/EmpireDescriptor.xml

Search for all occassions of "MaxCommandPoint". You'll find where the Base is set, how the Craver-Affinity affects it, how the techs and the researched hulls affect it.
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 1:59:25 PM
damn u were faster smiley: wink



(Improved Fleet Management)

that is for the first tech u can get put value from 2 to 3 to raise it or higher smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 13, 2012, 2:25:39 PM
There are also several threads in this subforum (and one "released" mod for 1.0.9) which do this. So you may want to search "command" in this subforum to find more details.
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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 6:17:42 AM
If anyone figures out how to make the above code affect a ship from a module level... I've spent a lot of time trying to figure that one out
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 2:26:09 AM
Thanks for the info guys! BTW do I need to edit the saved game files or a file in the game itself? (running the steam version here)

just had a look a few posts up.. modding path got it!
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