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HOW TO - Replacing the gamesoundfiles with custom soundfiles

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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 10:07:13 AM
Hi there Guys,

here is my first how to for replacing the existing soundfiles with ur custom soundfiles.

First here is a list what u need:

1. Tool "fsbext" which u can download from : fsbext **** This tool is for unpack/repack the .fsb packages.

2. Tool "MusicPlayerEx" which u can download from : music-player-ex **** This tool is for the mp3s. As the havent got a header u cannot open them with regular tools.

3. Tool "FMOD Designer" which u can download from : FMOD Designer **** This tool is to listen to ur extracted mp3's out of the fsb archive. Remember u can only listen to them with this tool. WMP or VLC wont work.

With these 3 Tools u got everything needed to replace the sounds.

So first thing to do is u open FMOD Designer.

Right click on untitled and create a new event. Name it in whatever u like.

Right click in the gray area in the middle of the screen and click on "Add sound..."

Browse ur soundfile and open it. I didnt test it with others then mp3, but as the soundfiles of endless Space are all mp3 i wouldnt try to use other.

If u done everything correct u should have something like this:

here u can see ur soundfile (my soundfile is called zhadum.mp3)

Now u goto go to the Banks section in the top left corner

my bank is called test_bank01 but it could be named different in ur file but that is no problem. We will rename the fsb anyway later on.

Click ur bank file and then look on the right hand side, there should be the propertys of the bank.

Change the compression into mp3.

Now we will build the fsb file. Go top left "Project" and then build or just simply press ctrl + B.

Now u should get something like this:

Make sure u mark ur Bank and then click Build. Now if u havent had any Errors u should have ur fsb file in ur /FMOD soundsystem/FMOD Designer/examples/ Folder.

U need to do this step so u can use ur File. Maybe there is a easier way to do so, but i dont know it smiley: wink I tried to simply swap the file without doing this and it didnt play back the soundfile.

Part II of this guide will get Posted right away
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 10:33:36 AM
Part II

Here i will explain howto get a file out of the fsb package.

First u need to extract the fsbext which u have downloaded into a folder. In my example it is C:\fsbext

Now u will have to copy the fsb files needed in that folder. (Make sure u always make backups)

U can find the Files in ur steam folder (steam/steamapps/common/endless space/puplic/audio/

- StarEmpire_FMOD_Project_SFX_01.fsb

- StarEmpire_FMOD_Project_Music_01.fsb

and ur fsb files which u created in my first part of the tutorial.

i have renamed it from test_bank01.fsb into b5.fsb

Then u start the cmd (click on start and type cmd in the search)then enter

so now u type :

[CODE]fsbext -s output_b5.dat b5.fsb[/CODE]

of course u need to replace b5 with ur name of ur fsb file

now the file zhadum is extracted in my fsbext folder. In ur case it should have extracted ur file. Remember u cannot open the Files with WMP or VLC u need the Tool i mentioned in the above post.

put the extracted soundfile somewhere safe and rename it into the soundfile u want to replace. So there is no soundfile left in the fsbext folder.

now u type:

[CODE]fsbext -s output_es_sfx.dat StarEmpire_FMOD_Project_SFX_01.fsb[/CODE] (for the sfx files)

[CODE]fsbext -s output_es_music.dat StarEmpire_FMOD_Project_Music_01.fsb[/CODE] (for the music files)

remember to to every step at the time. dont extract both the sfx and the music filers in the same folder.

now it has extracted the mp3's in the fsbext folder. now copy ur renamed file back in the fsbext folder and replace the original one.

next step is:

[CODE]fsbext -s output_es_sfx.dat -r new_sfx.fsb[/CODE] (for the sfx files)

[CODE]fsbext -s output_es_music.dat -r new_music.fsb[/CODE] (for the music files)

Remember to delete the sounds in the folder before u do the next one.

now u should have a new_sfx.fsb or a new_music.fsb in your folder. now just rename it into

StarEmpire_FMOD_Project_SFX_01.fsb for the sfx

StarEmpire_FMOD_Project_Music_01.fsb for the music

and put it back in ur endless space folder. Remember ALWAYS backup ur files.
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 10:35:58 AM
U can listen to the extracted files with Music player EX (link in first post) I had several Files who were bugged so try to mark all and play all sometimes he doesnt play the files. But i think i could listen to all (Tested with sfx sounds)
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 11:33:28 AM
If someone follwed my tutorial i would appreciate to hear from the experience smiley: wink and maybe the results smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 9:19:58 PM
Hey, I just did some of the tutorial (wasn't trying to add music, just trying to listen to it), I extracted the files using the fsb extractor, then used the music player to try and listen to them, but nearly all of the sound files in both of the fsb files are bugged. They work fine in game, but when i try to listen to them, most of them have no duration, others will play for a split second (almost like the music file is playing at about 200X ff, but i cant quite tell), and so far I've had only one 5 second clip that actually played. The files are mostly a few hundred kb in size, so i cant tell if the problem was the fsb extractor or the files themselves.

Any thoughts?
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12 years ago
Aug 16, 2012, 6:45:43 AM
Moonandstar wrote:
Hey, I just did some of the tutorial (wasn't trying to add music, just trying to listen to it), I extracted the files using the fsb extractor, then used the music player to try and listen to them, but nearly all of the sound files in both of the fsb files are bugged. They work fine in game, but when i try to listen to them, most of them have no duration, others will play for a split second (almost like the music file is playing at about 200X ff, but i cant quite tell), and so far I've had only one 5 second clip that actually played. The files are mostly a few hundred kb in size, so i cant tell if the problem was the fsb extractor or the files themselves.

Any thoughts?

I had the exact same problem. Try to open all sounds and press play. after the first bugged sounds come the sounds that work. I had the complete sounds 2x in the playlist. So Every sound 2 - 3 x. First ones didnt work with scratchy noise coming out of it. But in the end every sound worked.
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