Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified

Heroes Reborn

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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 6:05:00 AM
iblise wrote:
lol - I was actually going to say the biggest problem with your image is the HERO HERO HERO stacked on itself, looks like crap >.> purdy lens flare...

But HEY, if you're bored, make me space stations, you said you would!!!

hehe ;D got quite a lot to do with the models for B5 Mod. but i took a break.. thats when i was bored smiley: wink maybe space stations when B5 Mod is finished.
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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 5:26:16 AM
lol - I was actually going to say the biggest problem with your image is the HERO HERO HERO stacked on itself, looks like crap >.> purdy lens flare...

But HEY, if you're bored, make me space stations, you said you would!!!
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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 5:13:32 AM
Nycidian wrote:
You might want to actually look at the whole logo, you might notice Reborn in there inter weaved...

And while I appreciate the thought (at least I think I do? Is it: your logo is crap, I can do better! Or, your logo isn't as good as I can do! hmm not sure how I'm supposed to take that).

I would prefer some feedback on the actual mod.

Thank you for your time.

Sorry if i have insulted you in some way, that was not my intention. i shouldn't have put it that way.

i think your mod is great. And that is why it would deserve a nice logo. I tried to recreate yours but, as you said... its crap what i did.

i actually made it our of boredom.

its not that i think you suck at 2d editing. I only think its not really a logo more an image. (but thats just my opinion of course.)

Anyways.. Mod is nice smiley: biggrin so keep it going..

ahh now i see the interweaved reborn..
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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 4:39:23 AM
You might want to actually look at the whole logo, you might notice Reborn in there inter weaved...

And while I appreciate the thought (at least I think I do? Is it: your logo is crap, I can do better! Or, your logo isn't as good as I can do! hmm not sure how I'm supposed to take that).

I would prefer some feedback on the actual mod.

Thank you for your time.
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 11:45:33 PM
Pleasure wrote:
feel free to flame my work and insult my taste smiley: wink
It's horrible, I hate it!!! On all seriousness........eh......
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12 years ago
Aug 31, 2012, 7:55:41 PM
Nycidian wrote:
Heroes Reborn Alpha Release!

I am proud to present the alpha release of the Omega Mod Team's first Endless Space Mod, Heroes Reborn.

Heroes Reborn changes how Hero classes are handled by having each Hero class focus on a single system / attack / defense attribute, so that no matter what hero class you get it will be useful in both systems growth and battle.

Changes include:

  • Three new Hero classes, Innovator, Pioneer, and the Bureaucrat Class.
  • Complete change of how Hero attributes work. Now each attribute Increase a specific FIDS(+Approval) and also help in combat and defense.
  • Attributes now give bonus FIDS instead of a percent bonus.
  • Much More...

Please remember this is an alpha release, feedback / report bugs are welcome.

HeroesReborn.zip mediafire link

Future Plans include: New Hero Abilities, New Battle Cards, Hero Buildings, possibly more, feel free to offer suggestions.

don't ask me why i did this.. somehow i like your logo and still it looked to low quality.. i tried making it a little better.. but i actually still am not satisfied with it ;D (i guess its because i personally would go for a different style.)

anyways.. here is the result of it.

pm me if you wanna have psd. ;D if not feel free to flame my work and insult my taste smiley: wink


I hate it ! don't look at it !!! smiley: biggrin normaly i am better at this.. screw it
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 3:32:26 AM
Nycidian wrote:
Mediafire link added, hopefully its a good link, I had issues uploading it.

if not: Right clicking and press "save as" helps
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 5:03:15 PM
Heroes Reborn Alpha Release!

I am proud to present the alpha release of the Omega Mod Team's first Endless Space Mod, Heroes Reborn.

Heroes Reborn changes how Hero classes are handled by having each Hero class focus on a single system / attack / defense attribute, so that no matter what hero class you get it will be useful in both systems growth and battle.

Changes include:

  • Three new Hero classes, Innovator, Pioneer, and the Bureaucrat Class.
  • Complete change of how Hero attributes work. Now each attribute Increase a specific FIDS(+Approval) and also help in combat and defense.
  • Attributes now give bonus FIDS instead of a percent bonus.
  • Much More...

Please remember this is an alpha release, feedback / report bugs are welcome.

HeroesReborn.zip mediafire link

Future Plans include: New Hero Abilities, New Battle Cards, Hero Buildings, possibly more, feel free to offer suggestions.
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 11:17:27 PM
Toasty wrote:
smiley: frown Won't let me open the link for some reason, asks for a login, but I am already logged in. Help plz!

This post comes at least once in every thread where somebody attaches a zipfile. I should put the following instructions on a keyboard macro:


@ nycidian, please add into the OP. Or ever better, store files somewhere else like mediafire, and put the link here.
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 10:49:13 PM
smiley: frown Won't let me open the link for some reason, asks for a login, but I am already logged in. Help plz!
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 6:11:58 PM
It is the project I posted with some modification. I will put more details up later as I am very tired atm, but I wanted to get it posted so people could try it out.
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