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Realization*.xml - what are they?

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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 8:20:10 PM
This is the only file I am completely clueless about its function, it is battle related and separated into phases but that is about all I know. Anyone have any insight into this file?
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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 9:50:04 PM
Do you mean RealizationShot.xml? Because I did not see any RealizationStacks.xml.

RealizationShot.xml seems to be about how the combat is displayed. Where the camera is, in what direction it points, how it moves...

Nothing I would ever care to play around with.
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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 10:52:06 PM
RealizationEvent.xml, apparently they renamed it at some point (my dropbox still has the older versions). Could a mod rename the thread please? Yeah, I touched the camera file once and decided no thank you hah
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 8:32:06 AM

That's a shame... I ever wanted to see what you guys can come up with the realization process we build. But I can understand that is not your area of passion ^^

I hope someone else will do it as well...

But yeah you are right, these are related with the battle camera interpolation description and when to you them. In fact you can describe some "Shots" (interpolation of position, rotation, fov, shake, etc) and then attach them to some "Event" (fire, defense, explosion, etc).

By that you can change how the camera will be handle by the realization AI...
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 1:59:40 PM
As Iblise reported, I have not been really descriptive on what do each part.

So yes, RealizationEvents.xml and RealizationShots.xml are both related to the battle camera management.

A shot describe the camera position, rotation or fov over the time. You can define shot of really short time or long ones. You also define which "Actor" you need, like a ship or the whole fleet, etc.

A RealizationStack (which is defined in the RealizationEvent.xml) define when you want to use your shot.

Each stack is related to a battle event like "a ship fire", "a ship is destroyed", "a defense has done a good/bad job", etc.

You define which shot must be use for when the event is on your side or on the other side. Like if it's your ship which is destroyed, you perhaps want to have a longer shot which show you your whole fleet and when it's an enemy ship which is destroyed, you want to see which of your ship did it, etc...

Does it seams more clear?
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12 years ago
Sep 14, 2012, 2:52:41 PM
While the idea of controlling the camera shots is interesting, I think the number of people who will ever use it is small. As a modder, I tend to be more interested in making the game play better or have more variety. People who are more interested in the cinematics may (in general) have less programming ability to understand/modify the xml. To make the cinematics more interesting, it would be cool to let us make new weapon effects. I don't know if this is covered by the future modding feature "user provided ship models and textures". But if you count the number of posts where "more weapon effects / real beam weapons" are requested, and compare to the number of posts where "user provided ship models" are requested, I think you will find a lot more weapon effect requests.
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 7:56:07 PM
While the idea of controlling the camera shots is interesting, I think the number of people who will ever use it is small. As a modder, I tend to be more interested in making the game play better or have more variety. People who are more interested in the cinematics may (in general) have less programming ability to understand/modify the xml. To make the cinematics more interesting, it would be cool to let us make new weapon effects. I don't know if this is covered by the future modding feature "user provided ship models and textures". But if you count the number of posts where "more weapon effects / real beam weapons" are requested, and compare to the number of posts where "user provided ship models" are requested, I think you will find a lot more weapon effect requests.

Agreed. We need Beams for our mod smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 4:47:29 AM
Actually I can see this being very useful for anyone doing machinima using the ES combats. Unfortunately, as said above, the combats themselves are rather bland at the moment, so there is little base to use in the first place. Additional weapon effects, maneuvers (rather than just the two fleets doing a drive-by on each other) etc. would be needed before I can see anyone using the camera effects seriously...
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 1:01:10 PM
Was there a tool or anything used to create the ship 'paths' ? The most daunting issue with realization files is lack of user friendly support. The few times I did mess I had ships flying into each other (on the same side) spacing is very difficult to maintain

It's slightly off topic but what I had hoped realization events XML controlled was the number of hard points allowed on a ship. Currently you can stack as many weapons on ship as you want but after X number of a weapon glass the game just ignores it. From what I can tell the hard point cap for each weapon is dependent on the hull. Ie if i put 50 missiles on a scout hull, everything after 5 missiles are useless as only 5 missiles launch in combat.
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 12:42:37 AM
The "extra" weapons are still counted by the game for effect, they just aren't displayed visually (or in some cases, they "overlap" when launched, so you can only see them become distinct missiles/beams/etc if/when one of them misses (not gets intercepted/deflected/absorbed, but misses the accuracy "roll" which causes it to go off in a different direction that the others it launched "on top of")
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 7:45:18 AM
In fact, I look in our code and I can affirm that we spawn as much projectile as defined in the 3D model.

I start thinking how we can spawn as much as define in the ship design but I found no easy way for now. I will add this to the request list and see if we can spend a little time on all this.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 12:52:46 PM
the extra module will add their computed damage to the actually spawned projectiles. So yes, sure, your extra modules will do their damage too.

Only the 3d is caped, the battle simulation does not care of the 3d part. It just launch as much projectile as requested in the ship design. And that in manual combat or in automatic one.

In fact, the simulation in automatic is exactly the same as the manual one. The only difference is the possibility to launch some battle card in manual.

Otherwise the algorithm is exactly the same.
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