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Windows 7 not able to play modified files?

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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 6:33:18 AM
So ive been editing the xml files for ES. I did quite a bit in applying new files, and adjusting old files. for example planet FIDS. I went to go launch my mod from the ingame launching system, shut down ok, and started back up ok. When i get to the still picture before the menu screen, it freezes. Nothing happens after this. ive waited 30 minutes, and nothing happened. tried restarting multiple times. Nothing.

I looked at the output log and this is what it had at the very end.

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d9c061b1c154f5ae/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

OverflowException: Number overflow.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_array_new_specific (intptr,int)

at NewGameScreen.Load () [0x00000] in :0

at GuiManager+c__Iterator80.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Yesterday when i started it up, i remember seeing something about line 1607, don't know why it didn't show up today, but same problem, didn't start. I did look all over this site for someone who has had a similar problem, turns out i wasn't the only one. But it did not state on how to fix it. Can we work on a solution to fix this? i would like to see how my mod turns out.
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 3:10:42 PM
Welcome to the ES forums! I moved youtr thread to the modding forum.

First, please do not modify the files in the install directory until after you have succeeded at making simple mods using the recommended way. For the recommended way, please see the sticky modding tutorial thread. You can fix the files you have changed, by using steam to "Revalidate game files", in case you did not make a backup.

Second, the game "often" generates a useful error message with a filename and line number for any problem found while reading your xml; but not "always". The error does not always appear at the end of the output_log.txt file, but it does always have the full pathname of the file. So, please check in the file for any error. When you use the recommended method, your modified files are in a directory under "Modding" so you would be able to search for that.

I recommend you make a copy of your modified files, use your backup (you made a backup, right?) to restore the original game behavior, and then put your copies of your files into the Modding subdirectory as described in the tutorial. Then you can search more easily for syntax error messages and fix them. If you cannot find the error easily, try making your changes one at a time instead of all at once. If you still cannot find the problem, then zip and post your changed files here. But it will be much quicker if you investigate your own changes.
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 5:36:04 PM
First of all, if you take everyone that posts a first thread on this forum as a newbie, you will get angry replies. Do not worry about my original files, they are mine, you have no need to worry about them. If i was posting about my original files i would have said so, no thats not the problem, dont say anything about them again. Agreed?

This error only happens when the file is Modified. I should have said that. And when its repeating the same line for over a thousand lines im pretty sure thats the error. If it was repeating the Debug line, somethings up.
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 7:03:07 PM
cstewd wrote:
First of all, if you take everyone that posts a first thread on this forum as a newbie, you will get angry replies. And when its repeating the same line for over a thousand lines im pretty sure thats the error. If it was repeating the Debug line, somethings up.
Thanks for the feedback. Did you look to see if there are any xml syntax errors before the error line you mentioned? You may also find it helpful to make only one change, and get that working, before making a bunch of changes. If you have only made one change, tell us the change you made or upload the file, and we can look.
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