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[RELEASED] hissho evasion

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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 4:51:54 AM
This mod contains a number of changes which add evasion to hissho ships and rebalance the bushido bonus. This description is for version 1.0.18-01 (note serial 01) released September 10, 2012. In the future (after the next ES release) I will merge this into my racial diversity mod.

(EDIT: No further updates are planned to this mod. See post #5.)


  • USE WITH VERSION 1.0.19 ONLY. As soon as a new version is released I will update the mod.
  • This content is not Amplitude's, so this mod is installed at your own risk.
  • Text changes are for English language only. The mod will work in other languages but the English text will be present.


  • Hissho bushido bonus changed to +10% FID (no science) instead of the vanilla bonus, +20% FIDS (including science)
  • All Hissho-specific technologies changed to blood red icons
  • Most of the missile techs are removed for Hissho, and instead race-specific battle cards add evasion capabilities
  • Hissho medium ships (cruiser, battle cruiser) cost 3 CP instead of 2; dreadnought costs 6 CP instead of 4.


  • Download this zip file: hissho-evasion.zip
  • Unzip into (my documents)\Endless Space\Modding. This will create a new directory (my documents)\Endless Space\Modding\hissho-evasion containing a file index.xml and several subdirectories.
  • In the main game menu, click the MODS button, find the mod "Hissho Evasion", select it and click load.
  • To keep the mod loaded: find "Endless Space" in the Steam Library, right click, select properties, and click the "set launch options" button. Add "+mod hissho-evasion" to the game launch command line.

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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 8:48:44 AM
Will give it a shot, only comment from the description listed though is that I would have made the CP for dreads be 5, not 6. A normal faction can have a max of 5 dreads in a single fleet, the current hissho value would make that be 3...I know that the 6 matches the 50% increase that you gave the cruisers, but with the max fleet size being 22 instead of 24 it ends up with slightly more end effect. (7 cruisers vs 11)
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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 1:24:56 PM
Yeah, I was actually going to comment on exactly the same thing too regarding CP values, I wasn't sure about the exact numbers though.
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12 years ago
Sep 30, 2012, 3:34:41 PM
No appreciable feedback, poll show limited interest, only 14 downloads in all time:


Because the Rise of the Automatons release changes every xml file, this mod will stop working. I will not be updating this mod. If a capability is added to do "real" evasion, I may revisit the idea:

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