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Galaxy Editor

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12 years ago
Sep 23, 2012, 7:37:02 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm currently actively working on a savegame editor which is able to edit galaxy map.

I plan to create a real save editor where you can edit empires, planets on systems, fleets, and so on...

Today, you just can move systems and add/delete warp/wormhole on your galaxy map.

Here a screenshot : http://marc.alwaysdata.net/EndlessSpace/EndlessEditor_1.0.png

If you want to test, you can download the current binary here : http://marc.alwaysdata.net/EndlessSpace/EndlessEditor_1.0.rar

I'll put the sourcecode on public repository when the program won't be work in progress anymore (or stable at least...).

All the best,


PS: Sorry for my pretty bad english, I'm french and very exhausted on this sunday evening. smiley: stickouttongue

smiley: warning Small update: EndlessEditor 1.1


  • Zoom in and out on the galaxy
  • Deletion of warps and wormholes
  • Better view of star systems

Todo in next version:

  • Switching between star colors and empire colors
  • Show planets
  • Edit galaxy borders

Screenshot: http://marc.alwaysdata.net/EndlessSpace/EndlessEditor_1.1.png

Download: http://marc.alwaysdata.net/EndlessSpace/EndlessEditor_1.1.rar

Thanks for any critics and comments.
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12 years ago
Sep 23, 2012, 10:10:44 PM
I love it! But please, can you make the image a little smaller (or add a link to the image)? My browser window is not so big smiley: smile

Would it be possible to add randomly generated constellations?

Also I think this should go in the modding sub-forum?
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12 years ago
Sep 23, 2012, 10:13:05 PM
Wow this is very nice! I'm looking forward to future addons on your program! smiley: smile

Maybe we can make something like a campaign with this? Pre-customized maps with pre-stablished systems by the AI...!?
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 2:14:04 PM
Nice, definitely keep us in the loop as to developments and progress please! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 6:34:04 PM
smiley: warning Small update: EndlessEditor 1.1


  • Zoom in and out on the galaxy
  • Deletion of warps and wormholes
  • Better view of star systems

Todo in next version:

  • Switching between star colors and empire colors
  • Show planets
  • Edit galaxy borders

Screenshot: http://marc.alwaysdata.net/EndlessSpace/EndlessEditor_1.1.png

Download: http://marc.alwaysdata.net/EndlessSpace/EndlessEditor_1.1.rar

Thanks for any critics and comments.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 7:04:11 PM
Yurixy wrote:
Wow this is very nice! I'm looking forward to future addons on your program! smiley: smile

Maybe we can make something like a campaign with this? Pre-customized maps with pre-stablished systems by the AI...!?

At the end, I hope it will be possible to create a whole galaxy from scratch. However, it's a little tricky with AI because they come with specifics traits and fleets, and they're not interchangeable each others.

prassel wrote:
I love it! But please, can you make the image a little smaller (or add a link to the image)? My browser window is not so big smiley: smile

Would it be possible to add randomly generated constellations?

Also I think this should go in the modding sub-forum?

Randomly generated constellations may be possible in the future, but it's not a priority right now. smiley: smile

(I put the image in a link, as wished. smiley: wink)
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12 years ago
Sep 28, 2012, 10:23:17 PM
lazaroumonkeyterror wrote:
Great stuff! How do I add star systems? Will they have randomly selected planets in them when I create them?

Soon, I hope. I'm currently working on empire colors and displaying planets and star type on systems. Maybe a new release this week end ?

By the way, I have a bug to fix with new warps when moving systems. smiley: biggrin
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