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Mod naming rules and Index

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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 4:29:54 PM
When ever I touch these they always seem to brake my mods, is there a number of rules I should be following with what I can and cannot do?
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 5:40:26 PM
The problem is that when I sometimes change the mod folder for its name, the mod refuses to load

The same goes for editing the index file, So I was wondering if there are any tips.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 7:47:29 PM
I don't understand "change the mod folder for its name", and the description "mod refuses to load" could mean many things. Can you create a zip file of a mod which is not working for you, and upload it? Then we can see the same thing. Can you confirm that you are not getting any errors in output_log.txt?
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 8:01:46 PM
This mod wont load for me.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 11:28:54 PM
I am not sure what your mod is trying to do, so I am not sure how to test. However, I changed two things, and as far as I can tell it loads fine. (1) change directory name so it has no special characters (single quote) or spaces: igncom1_mod (2) Change index.xml lines:


<font color="#FF0000">Igncom1's mod title</font>

Igncom1's mod description


I am not sure which, if either of these is needed. But when I make these two changes, I get a load screen which has "Igncom1's mod" in the lower left hand corner. I suspect if the Name/Description are left as the default values, then the game doesn't display this text. But it may or may not load the mod anyway.

I highly recommend that you use "standalone=false" and only include the changed mod files. This works fine for me, and it will make your job much easier the next time the dev team releases a new version.
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 1:28:59 AM
davea wrote:
I am not sure what your mod is trying to do, so I am not sure how to test. However, I changed two things, and as far as I can tell it loads fine. (1) change directory name so it has no special characters (single quote) or spaces: igncom1_mod (2) Change index.xml lines:


<font color="#FF0000">Igncom1's mod title</font>

Igncom1's mod description


I am not sure which, if either of these is needed. But when I make these two changes, I get a load screen which has "Igncom1's mod" in the lower left hand corner. I suspect if the Name/Description are left as the default values, then the game doesn't display this text. But it may or may not load the mod anyway.

I highly recommend that you use "standalone=false" and only include the changed mod files. This works fine for me, and it will make your job much easier the next time the dev team releases a new version.

It took me around an hour, I figured out that something I had done next to the mod title had caused the problem, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what I did wrong.

Bloody coding.

However thank you for the help and the tip.
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