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New Model WIP

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12 years ago
Oct 8, 2012, 11:37:13 PM
Hey Guys, i am working on a new Model.. only High Poly for now smiley: biggrin i will later maybe converting it to a low poly model for Endless Space and release it for Free on this Forum.

Maybe you can allready guess what Ship it will be smiley: biggrin

*hint* Star Trek Fans should recognize it smiley: biggrin

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12 years ago
Oct 9, 2012, 4:42:49 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Bird Of Pray?

damn you are good smiley: biggrin yes.. bird of prey the Disruptor of it anyway smiley: biggrin building rest rest of this week.
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12 years ago
Oct 9, 2012, 10:21:22 PM
Very slowly progressing smiley: biggrin but.. i want to have a lot of Detail in this Model so i think it is ok.

Finished the lower part of the Wing. And tested some Basic Color shading to see how it will look like with Texture.


This will be a frikkin pain to unwrap smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 12, 2012, 8:02:08 PM

having some Problems with the main part.. but this is what i got so far.. smiley: biggrin

Hopefully i can finish the rest by the end of the week..
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12 years ago
Oct 12, 2012, 8:09:02 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Wow Pleasure, you're the man at Modelling smiley: biggrin

New Automatons ship inc? smiley: wink

after i finished this model i thought of offering my services to mod teams but i will need artwork to make models for them smiley: biggrin but lets not get ahead of ourselves smiley: biggrin first i have to complete this one.
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12 years ago
Oct 12, 2012, 8:12:57 PM
Pleasure wrote:
after i finished this model i thought of offering my services to mod teams but i will need artwork to make models for them smiley: biggrin but lets not get ahead of ourselves smiley: biggrin first i have to complete this one.

Take your time, no need to hurry smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 13, 2012, 10:28:23 AM
just don't expect that model to be able to use ingame as it is smiley: biggrin it allready has about 40.000 Polygons smiley: biggrin
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