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a little annoying problem

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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 4:20:32 AM
hey, so after sometimes on conversion,rescaling and stuff i finally succeded on importing a ship on ES(yes its the normandy SR1 from mass effect, i have the others too)

but as you can see the texture dosnt show up for some reason, i did all that was explained on ravine tutorial and this thread https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16353-tutorials-for-modding-es apparently it only support jpeg i tried to convert the texture from png to jpeg but it didnt work either smiley: frown

and if that can help im testing on the UE so maybe there is a conflict between the 2? or maybe a text file :/

heres the unedited texture if anyone want to take a look http://localhostr.com/PUNIohuTqU6J
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 4:23:03 PM
Try get the texture directly on jpeg.

apart from this, i don´t know how to help. sorry. D:

can you upload the model and the texture?
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 4:27:18 PM
Thats awesome dude!

Will this model be available for the modding community to use?
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 6:05:46 PM
Madrox wrote:
Try get the texture directly on jpeg.

apart from this, i don´t know how to help. sorry. D:

can you upload the model and the texture?

there you go ship and texture http://localhostr.com/BxuYAM1xptNI

Igncom1 wrote:
Thats awesome dude!

Will this model be available for the modding community to use?

sure, if anyone can do the engine effect in my place because i cant find how to do that xD

il upload the other ships as resources anyway if pple want them, maybe they l do a better job :P
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 8:41:08 PM
actually they show up perfectly on 3ds max the problem is that the game only generate the model but not the texture

should have mentioned that xD
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