I'm currently messing around with readjusting the technology received through traits, currently I just halved the construction cost of system improvements (or I could reduce upkeep cost or increase efficiency) I haven't adjusted planet exploitations yet, not sure if I want to reduce their cost by 50% too shrug... Either way, this should make tech traits worthwhile again, if anyone is interested in providing me some feedback balance wise, I really not sure if cost reduction is the best way to go, or if another option is better.


Improvement Name Old Cost New Cost
Public-Private Partnerships 75 37
Hardening Framing 150 75
Stealth Construction 100 50
Sustainable Farms 75 37
CIS-OORT Satellites 100 50
Extreme Option Exchange 75 37
Xenotourism Agencies 75 37
Heavy Isotope Refineries 75 37