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Some technical question question about modding

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12 years ago
Oct 25, 2012, 1:47:33 AM
Hi Endless Space fans!

I'm trying to tinker with the game a bit to create a small mod. As a warmup, I've tried to create a battle card that lowers the defense of enemy ship and that is more efficient on lighter ships than the heavier ones.

When using this tag, the game crashed when loading the mod:

I assumed it was because it cannot find "MaxWeight" in this part of the path (it's too deep). So I tried to stop the path to ClassShip and transfer the rest in TargetProperty.

When using this tag, the game loaded the mod, however. Does it do what I want it to do? Can I put part of the "path" in the TargetProperty?
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12 years ago
Oct 25, 2012, 4:00:52 AM
iblise wrote:
You cannot target enemy ships through scripting right now.
True, but you can target enemy ships via battle cards. See my hissho evasion mod. I have not updated it to the automatons release because there was so little community interest in it.

railgun wrote:
Does it do what I want it to do?
I don't know the answer. But, here are some techniques I used to prove out my hissho evasion cards. If you eliminate all the battle cards except one (by removing the unlocks in the tech tree files), you can be guaranteed that the AI will choose this card. If you make the effect of your card very huge (say, 100% evasion) then it will also be obvious whether it is working. To do any of this testing, you will probably use a save game just before a specific battle, which you can play a few times in a row. Once you can see the huge effect obviously working, you will know how this specific battle usually plays out. So, you can back down the effect to the percent you want; run the battle a few times; and see from the statistics whether the effect is about right. It is not precise or quick; but you should be able to tell whether it is working.

It is also possible that the dev team may come along and comment whether your approach works at all; but please let us know the results from these tips.
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12 years ago
Oct 26, 2012, 5:54:32 PM
In my Sandbox Mod, i didn't get the MaxWeight Value to work either.

Maybe you just leave the Binary one for now and do what davea said, and put in a such huge value that you must notice something.
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