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Offering Model Services

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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 8:30:39 PM
Hey Guys, i have finished my Bird of Prey Model (I will upload Screenshot Tomorrow.)

So what do i do next ?

I am offering you guys my Services as Modeler for your Team or Mod or whatever.

I will model a Ship for you to your specifications for Endless Space. But i will only Model at my discretion.. so depending on what Model you want it may take some time.

To apply for my Services i will require some artwork of the Ship i should model for you. (It does not have to be Perfect.. it is enough that i get the idea on how it should look.

Just post here if you want my Services with your Artwork uploaded. I will respond as soon as i can to report to you that i started Modeling. I will then also update this Thread with my progress.

Important. (i will Unwrap the model but only will apply Basic Texture.) you will have to texture the Ship yourself.)

If you have any questions ? just reply here smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 3:30:41 AM
You are familiar with texturing highpoly models?

I have quite a bunch of models i need to texture but im no good at this. D:

The problem is, i have not a good machine, so whenever i try to to something at Blender with my models, i end in a crash...ot it runs really slowly.

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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 6:28:22 AM
iblise wrote:
Gdi space station

Artwork smiley: biggrin gimme Artwork

Madrox wrote:
You are familiar with texturing highpoly models?

I have quite a bunch of models i need to texture but im no good at this. D:

The problem is, i have not a good machine, so whenever i try to to something at Blender with my models, i end in a crash...ot it runs really slowly.


It Depends if you mean uv mapping or texturing. i can do both but uv mapping has to be done in the program you modeled for it to loo good. Because when you export it it gets triangulized (at least most of the time i think smiley: biggrin)

Cr3d0 wrote:
if you could do these 2 plz smiley: smile

need them for a mod im planning to do soon



I like the first one.. i think i will start with this for my first assignement smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 11:47:20 AM
Tye program i modeled on is CB Model, its a very direct and simple modeler, but it has not much texturing tools, so i sought about doing the model on it and exporting to Blender. But when i see the model on it, i saw CB Model makes to much triangles to work on. D:

Do you want to take a look to see what i can do?
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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 2:28:48 PM
Madrox wrote:
Tye program i modeled on is CB Model, its a very direct and simple modeler, but it has not much texturing tools, so i sought about doing the model on it and exporting to Blender. But when i see the model on it, i saw CB Model makes to much triangles to work on. D:

Do you want to take a look to see what i can do?

What Format can you export them to ?

if you can upload the file to OBJ, 3ds, or FBX or every format smiley: biggrin and i will check it.
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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 5:30:33 PM
Well if you could model this ship for me (medium sized ship pls), it would be great!

EDIT: I don't know whether it's possible or not but this ship is part of the "Awakening of the Rebellion" Mod for Star Wars: Empire at War. I have searched for some tool or plugin that let me edit the models (.ALO-files) but I didn't found anything. Maybe you're able to convert these files to .obj - files smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 11:14:24 PM
There is a way to take some polygons from it?

Something inverse of "Subdivide"? D:

Remodeling it form scratch will be a pain in the ass. D:
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 8:59:23 AM
Madrox wrote:
There is a way to take some polygons from it?

Something inverse of "Subdivide"? D:

Remodeling it form scratch will be a pain in the ass. D:

nope not the way this is setup. There is a method to reduce polys.. but it will destroy the model..
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12 years ago
Oct 21, 2012, 1:38:01 AM
If your looking for ideas, you could create a fleet based on the UE's corporate sector like the UE's destroyer but into an extended fleet.

That might be cool, along with your own touch of course. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Oct 25, 2012, 10:04:08 AM
Panzer wrote:
May I suggest having a go at creating Models for the Automatons? smiley: biggrin

I did not start yet on the one for C3rd0, but sure smiley: biggrin why not.. could be my next one^^ but don't they allready have ships from Amplitude ? I have not played for a while now smiley: biggrin

Maybe you can send me some Artwork you made for the Automatons ? (we could work together.. you for the Art and me for the Models.. just add me in Skype : HellFire0102)
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