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Game speed problem

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12 years ago
Oct 26, 2012, 4:52:53 PM

I have been working on a mod and I am stuck on something.

I have added a Game speed, replacing "very slow" in the XML with something I called techstag. Basically it is a way to slow tech research without impairing industry/growth etc

It is added to the menu, and works, but I cannot get the mouseover description to match. Every difficulty has the description of the one below it in the XML, despite the fact that I have the descriptors changed to match them.




matches to

[CODE]Game speed

Choose the speed factor for different parameters: population growth rate, Dust funding, victory conditions and random event duration.

Normal - Tech Stagnation

Slows tech research with normal industrial output


For a slow-paced game[/CODE]

Yet in game my TSdecription shows the slow description, and normal show fast, fast shows the basic "choose the speed factor"

Pic is here

Quite irritating, any help would be appreciated

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12 years ago
Oct 26, 2012, 5:23:39 PM
It seems that the Game doesn't shift the descriptions, did you try adding a new one and place it beneath the original ones?
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12 years ago
Oct 26, 2012, 5:51:05 PM
Xervitus wrote:
Yes, doesn't matter where I put it.

Interesting, i'll make a quick one and have a look on how to change that.

And hopefully one of the Devs will kick in smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 27, 2012, 9:06:00 PM
Still no luck, anyone have anything?

There are two unused settings in the localization, but they don't seem to be "enabled" even when I add the missing descriptors.

smiley: sad
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12 years ago
Oct 27, 2012, 9:11:40 PM
Xervitus wrote:
Still no luck, anyone have anything?

There are two unused settings in the localization, but they don't seem to be "enabled" even when I add the missing descriptors.

smiley: sad

Uh sorry, usually I'd try to help, but I just fail at modding smiley: biggrin

good luck with your mod smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Oct 28, 2012, 10:28:50 AM
Xervitus wrote:
Still no luck, anyone have anything?

There are two unused settings in the localization, but they don't seem to be "enabled" even when I add the missing descriptors.

smiley: sad

Sadly, no

I don't get it to work either

Maybe it would help if you make a Support Thread with a reference to this one
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