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Igncom1's Totally unbalanced mod the sequel!

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12 years ago
Oct 13, 2012, 1:00:50 AM
Just for notice, i tested it alongside Sandbox mod, and worked just fine, you should put this on a compatibility list. xD
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12 years ago
Oct 28, 2012, 2:14:53 PM
rastone wrote:
Thanks for the quick and helpful response.Keep up the good work

Will do buddy!
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12 years ago
Oct 27, 2012, 5:32:46 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Somebody actually played my mod! Kickass! smiley: biggrin

As for feedback, I guess that's because the modding scene for ES has yet to take off in popularity, one of the reasons I started this mod was to promote modding in ES.

Thanks for playing the mod! smiley: wink

Well, I'm glad there is even an modding community.. most games fail at it smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Oct 27, 2012, 5:17:28 PM
Somebody actually played my mod! Kickass! smiley: biggrin

The changes to the invasion system have been an experiment of mine so see how far I could take it, and while the numbers seemed fine in my tests, I guess the application to such a grand game were harder to predict, as all of the invasion mods are multipliers you will want to go into the "Ship Descriptor.xml

and change the first "MilitaryPowerInvasion" number:


Currently a ships initial invasion power is this number * by its CP number.

So corvettes and destroyers have 100, cruisers and battleships have currently have 200 and dreads have 400.

I will also be changing this number in my next version, so thanks for the heads up smiley: wink

Its odd that the AI should research the techs as I have yet to tinker with the AI that tells them they should, ha ha. But yea that's also why the AI won't build them as there are no AI paths for them, something I am going to work on.

As for feedback, I guess that's because the modding scene for ES has yet to take off in popularity, one of the reasons I started this mod was to promote modding in ES.

Thanks for playing the mod! smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 27, 2012, 4:15:49 PM
First of all,very nice mod and thanks for your effort.

I find the changes you have implemented,mainly to the combat system,give the game a nice boost over the standard edition

On some observations,having played on endless with 8 civilizations and going for Supremacy Victory only,i find it nearly impossible for the AI to invade

and conquer any system,not only my own ones.Also it seems that they never build any of the Orbital Entrenchment buildings although they research the technologies involved.

ps:As there are very few mods available i wonder why there is so very little,if any,feedback for a nice mod like yours

ps2:Could you point to me how to alter the invasion part of your mod so its a possibility for the AI to conquer systems in a reasonable timeframe?
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 4:30:37 PM
Combined this mod with my Orbital Entrenchment mod, you can download it from the front page of the tread.
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 12:29:48 AM
Version 4 has been finished, with changes to the invasion system I am finally happy with how the game plays, from here I intend to play with the idea of making a new mod based on this with a different theme then normal ES, giving me access to change how ES plays on a whole.

Happy hunting emperors of the universe!
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12 years ago
Oct 13, 2012, 1:16:51 AM

(I did meat testing the new heavy weapon and super weapon mods, and the defense improvement bonuses.)
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 1:38:34 AM
Version 4: http://www.mediafire.com/?4b7p13s3zt0469z

Version 4 + Orbital Entrenchment Mod : http://www.mediafire.com/?lur7wftdo7fl0me

This is my mod for changing the games combat and ship design.

The combat has been altered for overall greater accuracy of weapons, and by changing the time of the medium and melee phases so the medium range phase lasts for 8 rounds and melee lasts for 16 rounds, not recommended for MP.

Ships now are able to equip defenses with no penalty for tonnage, but are unable to equip more then 1.

Ship weapons (As vanilla weapons easily promotes spamming) now are all at 20 tonnage a piece, and have altered stats.

Ship hulls them selves have additional tonnage altering stats, giving more ships a hp and speed bonus, and dreads now how advantages in invasion and civilian mods.

Enjoy, have fun, feel free to mod the mod and suggest changes/improvements!

Good hunting admirals!

Edit: Version 2 includes a improved weapon and defense set (More balanced, hopefully), altered HP mods and changed text for the cravers special missile system.

Edit2: Version 3 included a strengthened set of defenses, a whole new and revised battle card system, hull specific defense bonuses and changes to a number of description for things changed in game.

Edit3: Version 4 (Probably final) Includes a revised balance and changes to the invasion system.

Edit4: Combined mod with Orbital Entrenchment Mod https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/15836-orbital-entrenchment-mod
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12 years ago
Oct 13, 2012, 12:52:38 AM
Madrox wrote:
This could lead to insane battles! ina good way! testing now...

Version 4 will be finished soon, I just have to check on a couple of things. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 12, 2012, 1:29:57 PM
Update will be here soon, however I was unsuccessful in my attempts to lower a systems control via influence, and the jury is still out on the defenses giving defense boosts to fleets in orbit.

However successfully or not red state systems now reduce a systems overall defense and prevent it from regenerating its control while in that state, by my count unhappy systems reduce the Regen by 3% and red state by 7%, meaning that an upgrade will be required if your empire is constantly in the red zone.

And Finally, while initially unsuccessful changes to the 2 tonnage upgrades now turn them into stat modifiers, by taking a lot of tonnage space and dramatically increasing its cost you can now increase a ships attack by first 200% and later 600% in order to turn them into battleships capable of pushing through enemy defenses.
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12 years ago
Oct 10, 2012, 7:52:17 PM

Completed: A revised Invasion system will see ships being the basis of your invasion ability's, with invasion modules providing a % Multiplier to this base, colony's will instead increase their own base and then increase the defense power based off of the population size.

Systems that are unhappy will now actively degenerate their invasion defense due to violent strikes and rebellion groups and their operations, with a red state system being an extremely dire case. Systems will also be subject to a greater punishment when in an enemy's influence ring, leading their base defensive power per population at half the normal level, make sure to build up those defenses on isolated systems!

Edit 2: Improved balance, as usual.

Untested: I have been pondering about the idea of enemy influence rings reducing a systems control, weather this will simply flip systems to another's side, create a rogue state or make invasions extremely simple is yet to be seen.

By equipping system defenses with bonuses to fleet defenses I also hope to give the defenders the advantage during an attack, as to the logic of this change....I would say that fortified planetary defenses give access to improved fleet logistics, letting them operate above the mark.

Edit: Rioting (Red state systems) Will also have a reduction to control, as to promote the ideas of rebellion.
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12 years ago
Oct 8, 2012, 4:59:21 PM
Version 3!

With improvements to the defense system, giving an overall improved amount of defense for every ship and now hull specific defense bonuses, ships can now be expected to last for additional time without becoming immune to fire, specialized weapon ships can now expect to be highly effective along side omni-weapon ships.

And now a revised battle card set that now half's the basic effectiveness of battle cards is exchange for quadrupling the effect of countering an others cards! Even cards like the nano-repair with their weapon reducing stat can now expect to actually boost weapons when countering another card!

Good hunting admirals! smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 8:20:39 PM
I work with what I have got. smiley: smile

In the end my coding style is best described as Borg, I don't create code I just assimilate other code and transform it.
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 8:14:26 PM
It would be really helpfull if one could actually mod the complete damage-calculations.

Could imagine a lot of alternative ways for Mods to do it differently and better than the original game.
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 8:04:18 PM
Ships are currently still not making it into the melee phase in my battles, and I am looking for solutions.

I was thinking looking into changing how flak works so I can apply it fleet wide, but this might also make missiles completely useless.

Beams and kinetics work how I want them to, but I feel I may need to scale them up.

Shields currently work per 5 beams per level, with each succeeding level losing 10, 20 30 40...hp over all.

Deflectors currently work per 3 kinetics at the first level, then with deflectors increasing by 15HP a level, they do not scale well with kinetic weapons, as I kinda intend.

I don't want defenses to be more efficient then say 7 or 8 weapons, but I don't want them useless either.
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12 years ago
Oct 7, 2012, 1:02:38 PM
XD When did that happen!
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