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QUESTION Custom Faction Icons

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12 years ago
Oct 28, 2012, 8:04:36 PM
Keeping it simple, i want to know if there are any prequesites of faction icons to get some specs like resolution, filetype and so on.

Does anyone know these or has an example for the small/large/wide icons?
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 3:10:09 PM
davea wrote:
Existing icons here:


Instructions here:


Also see the PDF in the OP of the second link.

Already looked in that Tutorial, but the Dimensions of the Tech Icons did not not really helped me, figured it out with a few Screenshots and Gimp.

But thanks for your help.

Anyway for anyone who wants to know:

Small: 32x32 JPG

Large: 128x128 JPG

Wide: 482x316 JPG (Maybe bigger but it had the Resolution on 1366x768)
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 3:16:57 PM
Please read all the PDFs in the tutorial thread, including the one which has the exact sizes of all the images (icons.pdf)
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