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Anyone know that these effects do?

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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 2:26:14 AM
Anyone know that these effects do?

FatigueRecoveryPerTurn (Fatigue Recovery On Hero)


OverProductionToStackFactor (Over Production To Stack Factor On System)


StackedOverProductionInterestsPerTurn (Interests For Stacked Industry On System)


XPPerAssignedTurnBonus (XP Bonus When Assigned On Hero)

I don't understand what they do.
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 5:09:03 AM
I think hero fatigue was dropped out of the final mechanics, so this may be just a leftover which has no effect. The "stack" term is what is used by automaton interest gained on industry, so it is only used by that race. I don't know the exact calculations for hero XP; I know they get XP for winning battles and building units. But I believe that heroes stationed in a system, not doing anything, still gain "some" XP. I suppose that is the value used for this amount.
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 12:23:42 PM

I would imagine that hero-fatigue might be when he was injured by losing the fleet or planet he was on.

Then the recovery would be the percentage of how much "health" he gains per turn. The default is 20% as far as I know.

OverProductionToStackFactor should mean how much of the overproduction goes to the stack. Default should be 100% or 1, if the value is a float.

StackedOverProductionInterestsPerTurn is what davea said. It is 5% (0.05) as default and is modifies by a building. Of course you can also modify it with a mod.

XPPerAssignedTurnBonus: I know of 2 techs that modify it. A hero gets a certain amount of XP just for being assigned to something. This is most likely a modifier that increases that amount.
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 3:18:24 PM
Isn't hero *fatigue* separate from hero *health*? That is, traits such as sloppy sawbones affect *health*, and *fatigue* is unused. Or, does sloppy sawbones affect *fatigue* and there is no *health*?
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 4:15:26 PM
I actually don't know. Could well be you are right and fatigue is not used at all. *shrug*
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 5:35:41 PM
I would imagine that 'Hero Fatigue' is the time between when you can re-assign them. Doesnt it usually take 5 turns (hence the 20%)? I believe one of the upper level traits reduces that to 1 turn (and might even mention 'fatigue' in the description).
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12 years ago
Oct 29, 2012, 10:22:23 PM
Well, I guess anybody who is interested can look into the effects of sloppy sawbones and the hero ability which reduces reassignment time, and see if either of them use that variable.
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