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Minimod: Old Upkeep

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12 years ago
Oct 31, 2012, 9:25:29 AM
Here's a little mod that reverts the upkeep changes made in 1.0.25 back to 1.0.19 values.

The reason behind it is to be a workaround for the AI's weakness in managing ship-production which does not take upkeep into account at all and thus can pretty much cripple the AI's who try to counter the upkeep just by increasing taxes instead of actually stopping to make more and more ships.

While it should work as a standalone, I suggest merging it with whatever Mods you use because of how small it is. Should be compatible with most other mods since I'm not aware of a lot of mods that alter the files:



If you want to edit the files yourself because your mod uses these:

Remove/Comment this line in EmpireDescriptor.xml:

Change this line in ShipDescriptor.xml:

to this:

Here is the complete mod including this, all the other changes from my mod and a completely reworked diplomcacy-model:

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