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Orbital Entrenchment Mod

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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 7:17:47 PM
Edit 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?63j4zln5ryzx3a3 New version 3.

Here is my mod based on my suggestion from a while back:


Please enjoy!

(Any one is free to use the stuff for their own mods and all that jazz, just leave a name or possibly a link to where you got it, thanks.) smiley: cool

Version 2: Changed the improvement icon to the colonial base as requested, and improved the cost of the latter ones.

Version 3: Bug fixes by EvilTactician, be sure to check out Imperium Aeterna!

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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 8:37:58 AM
Nice mod!

I'd suggest to use the icon of "Colonial Base" instead of the "Sustainable Farms" one.

And you should also increase the science needed to research the last 2 techs.
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 2:43:29 PM
You have to add your buildings to AIParametersBuilding.xml and remove the (obvioulsy copy&pasted) AIPathsPrerequisites in StarSystemImprovements.xml from them.

Otherwise the AI will never build these.

Oh... and add the tech to AIParametersTechnology.xml because, you will have guessed it:

Otherwise the AI will never research these.
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 2:48:01 PM
Ail wrote:
You have to add your buildings to AIParametersBuilding.xml and remove the (obvioulsy copy&pasted) AIPathsPrerequisites in StarSystemImprovements.xml from them.

Otherwise the AI will never build these.

Oh... and add the tech to AIParametersTechnology.xml because, you will have guessed it:

Otherwise the AI will never research these.

Yeah it was from the techs I used as a template to create them, so I may look into doing what you suggested smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Oct 21, 2012, 12:17:32 PM
Could you please add in the first post what exactly this mod changes (even if it's only copy-pasting the other thread).
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 7:47:29 PM
I didn't feel that this deserves its own thread at the moment as it's so heavily based on your work & I feel all credit should go to you.

I liked what you were trying to do with this, and have used what you've done so far - tweaked it a fair bit and added the Colored Anomalies mod to it. It's the start of a Mod Pack that I am using with some friends/other authors at our side. Please do feel free to use anything I've done so far in your own version.


  • Integrated Colored Anomalies
  • Changed all Names & Descriptions
  • Vastly reduced the benefits the improvements give, as they were a little overpowered I felt. The latter ones might be a tad too expensive now, but more feedback will help balancing.
  • Made the naming consistent with the rest of the game / tech trees: capitalisation, etc.
  • Fixed the system improvements and techs so they don't have text 'overflowing' in odd ways in the game.
  • Changed the Improvement icons to ones I felt were more fitting, each has its own now. (Tried to keep them consistent with the improvements - unfortunately custom art work for System Improvements is not yet possible in mods)
  • Created custom Tech Icons (yay pixel art!) for the 4 technologies.

Spotted a bug which isn't yet resolved; the population boost on the 2nd and 4th techs are not working. (This also applies to the version of Igncom1) Odd given that there are other improvements in-game which do the exact same thing - I am thinking another file might need to be edited to ensure population modifiers work. Any feedback on this would be great as this would make a big difference.

Download the Mod Pack Here

(Updated this link following following the release of a complete mod.)
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 7:49:54 PM
WOW! You sir are a BAD ASS!
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 8:28:53 PM
Thanks mate, really appreciate that. I think you're the awesome one for making a start though. I'm currently modifying things a bit further, stay tuned - will upload another version in a moment.

Tweaking the costs of the improvements as we play tested and it took way too long to build for their reduced powers. Only further playing will balance it, but we're getting there.

Am also making those AI changes suggested above by Ail so that the AI will research and build these!

Edit: Found the fix for the population issue not working too;

should be:

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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 9:20:38 PM
As promised, made the fixes and changes required to make this a 'stable release'. Instructions in my previous post - download link will be updated in that post too.

Download v1.2.4


  • AI will now Research the Tech and build the Improvements
  • Fixed the Population Bug - Improvements fully work now
  • Rebalanced the Construction Costs after a few Multiplayer Games

And for those who like visuals / seeing what this all does:

Link to Original Colored Anomalies Mod

Two screen shots I made:



The new Technologies / Improvements:

Edit: Now if only this would spawn visible upgrades in orbit, that would be a dream. Spawning Huygens rings around a planet might be possible, I guess - and we already see some things floating above the surface.
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12 years ago
Nov 6, 2012, 9:06:07 PM
Thank you for this Igncom1 and also thanks for the detailed descriptions of what you've done / changed, EvilTactician, they're really helpful. Following this thread with real interest! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 8:14:31 PM
Following this thread and more play testing by myself and a group of good friends, I'm continuing development of my 'Mod Pack' into a proper mod which incorporates my modified version of the Orbital Entrenchment Mod. Any future fixes/development will be done there but I'm very happy to help and share with Igncom1's version as well.

@Igncom1; One of the posts above contains a bug fix which ensures the Population bonus from your improvements works. It does not work in your current version.
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