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Ship Modding: Need some Help

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12 years ago
Nov 9, 2012, 2:41:01 PM
Wow. Sir, you're great! smiley: biggrin I have no idea whether it's possible in this forum to give some reputation or sth like this but you deserve much of it...!

I think the holes or these things happened after I deleted some meshs, cause originally this model is taken from Empire at War and had three meshes that overlayed themselves in 95% and so I just deleted two of them cause it didn't changed the model itself too much. But I'll look at that.

EDIT: YAAAY It wooorks! smiley: biggrin

I'll improve some things now. And I think I'll use Blender for texturing, seems to work better...
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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 11:14:11 AM
Ok, so I succeeded to load your models smiley: cool

I will try to explain what I changed for each model :

MC60, MC80b, MC80c were models with 2 or 3 separated objects. That needed to be joined in one object only in order to successfully load its.

After exportation, with no other changes in blender, the .mtl file generated by blender was ok.

The only changes I've made on this was to add "textures" in the texture path in the .mtl file, and specify the new name in the index file.

For MC104, it was already one object, but I had to import in Blender then export back in order to generate a correct .mtl file.

So it was also a problem on the .mtl file. A typicall .mtl file you sended was like this :

# Max2Mtl Version 4.0 Mar 10th, 2001


newmtl 02_-_Default

Ka 0.6 0.6 0.6

Kd 0.6 0.6 0.6

Ks 0.9 0.9 0.9

d 1.0

Ns 0.0

illum 2

map_Kd -s 5.0 5.0 1.0 GoldfolieTextur.jpg



The working .mtl file generated by blender was like this :

# Blender MTL File: 'None'

# Material Count: 1

newmtl 02_-_Default

Ns 0.000000

Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Kd 0.600000 0.600000 0.600000

Ks 0.090000 0.090000 0.090000

Ni 1.000000

d 1.000000

illum 2

map_Kd GoldfolieTextur.jpg

So, I see 3 main differences :

- No value for "Ni", but I don't think that it is really the problem

- Value difference of a factor 10 between the two ks, maybe this is because of a difference between scale and units between blender and 3dsmax. I don't know if it is really a problem

- incorrect name/path for the texture file, which is for sure one of your problems.

I tried to correct the file manually, without opening in Blender (by correcting the texture path on first, then combinatly with a correction of Ks), but it didn't work, so I guess there is some problem I can't really spot.

Might be a scale problem which is somehow automatically corrected by loading in Blender ? I rellay don't know.

non-related issues spotted :

For the MC104, there is a scale problem ingame, I think you should reduce the size of this ship, then set it at a superior size of the others in the index file.

You can see in the MC60 a transparency in the bay. This is because there is no mesh inside, and looking at textures from opposite to the normals result in transparency (I experienced this myself also). To correct this, you should created the mesh inside the bay...

Hope that helps you...
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12 years ago
Nov 10, 2012, 11:42:29 AM
OK it was a bit confusing; after some trials the texture didn't show up in texture mode but after making a render image that image showed up the model textured. Than I exported it to .obj and the .mtl file looked nearly exatly like the one you created for my first object. But the game didn't accept the file and it crashed completely (not only freezed).

Cause I can't really handle blender I think I'll try to export it directly from 3DSMax where I originally created my models. But I won't give up smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Nov 9, 2012, 10:10:06 PM
It looks like your texture is, at some point, only applied on specular (reflect), and not on diffuse...
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12 years ago
Nov 9, 2012, 8:10:25 PM
Oh please, don't call me "blender expert", I didn't know even the name of this soft two weeks ago !!!

It is just that, by watching good tutorials, the learning curve is strong but fast !

And oh, congrats for your first victory ! smiley: approval

I would not say that blender is better than 3dsmax. I don't know 3dsmax but I'm quite sure its power is equivalent for our level. On my side, I chose blender because it's free and as powerfull !

Regarding your problem :

I think you found already the issue : lights. I also had this, because your model is big and your light is so small, like a candle in the dark... (so maybe you didn't make any error smiley: wink !) You should succeed to solve this by changing the type of light for "sun" in the right panel, and maybe by adjusting the power and position of the lamp (right panel, object sheet).

Normally, if your texture is correctly set on your material, you should see it on the sphere sample of the material.

A small tip : in order to check that your texture is correctly assigned to your model, adjust your lights and your camera view (which could be tricky if you don't have the habit), then make a render. If your texture is not correctly assigned, render will not show it.
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12 years ago
Nov 9, 2012, 5:21:30 PM
Well Okay. Just to test my ability to texture with blender (this ability tends towards zero) I imported a new model which I want to add later in my "Mod" and tried to apply the golden texture to this star ship too. First applied a material and then later added the texture to the model. But now something strange happened: The texture only appeared on parts of the model. The rest was black. At the first moment I thougt the light was at a false place and added two new suns on different places but nothing happened... The texture was still as it was (well, slightly less dark at the textured places but the problem didn't disappeard).

As you are a blender expert, what do you think I did wrong?
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 7:07:28 PM
After some searching in google I recently found a trial version of 3DSMax9, with which I could import the EaW files successfully. I have to say, I'm a complete newbe in terms of modeling (I only created some things in Sketchup, but that's it). And so, I'm not really used with a program like 3DSMax. But I want to implement the imported ships in ES. My first trial ship has the double size compared to the template Ship AnnaV and is oriented in the right direction so far. So this isn't the problem I have. My problem ist that I have no idea how to texture the ship (I don't even know whether it's already textured (or the texture is already imported from the EaW model) or not...). Maybe some 3ds Experts could take a look on the following picture and tell me what to do with it to make it able to get imported to ES smiley: smile

For a bigger photo click here http://s1.directupload.net/images/121107/9l5x5r5p.jpg

EDIT: Something which is quite strange to me is: What does the .mtl file to the scene/.obj - file and why do I need a texture.jpg file as well?
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12 years ago
Nov 9, 2012, 12:31:04 PM
Ok, so, I succeeded to load your model after some work on it... smiley: cool

Here are the changes I had to make :

In Blender :

- After importing in Blender, I deleted 3 objects (one cube and to "strange small things") that had nothing to do in your file

- Your ship material was not linked to the UV map. I guess you manually added the texture path in the .mtl file, but it is not correct. So I created a new material, then specified a texture for this material by pointing your picture, then specified "UV projecting" so the program knows how to handle this textured material.

- Then I exported back the file with the final name "MC75".

In the mod files :

I made all the task I told you to create a test mod and... it didn't work !

I don't know why, I don't succeed to create a new mod which accept custom ships in fact.

So I replaced my custom model in Sadi's Humanity mod for your model, and changed the model name in the index file and it works.

So there is a remaining problem, which is not regarding the model/textures files (because as you see, it is working), but regarding the index file coding.

I will soon explore more on that issue.

Here are your corrected model files.


If I could make some suggestions, I would advice you to rework this model as there are many holes and unlinked vertices. For now, it looks difficult to paint correctly the uv map...
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12 years ago
Nov 9, 2012, 11:00:11 AM

Thank you for your advises, I tried to do these two steps but it didn't work smiley: frown My mesh has, by the way, +/- thousand vertices, and the path of the file was right I'm sure.

So it must have something to do with sth other...

maybe you can take a short look on this, it would be very, very helpful smiley: smile

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12 years ago
Nov 9, 2012, 5:22:41 AM
I'm having the same issues with the hanging, never thought to crack open the file and check the texture pathways.
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12 years ago
Nov 8, 2012, 7:38:14 PM
I experienced also this "freezing", and I didn't really understood why, but I suspect one of these reasons ;

- The path in index file is not correct to your model (which is normally the only thing to change)

- The path in your .mtl file to your texture is not correct

Could you confirm that the .mtl originally generated when you exported your model had already mention of your texture ? Because I think on your first code, you didn't assigned your texture to the ship material, and that's why it wasn't originally in the code.

Last thing, did you check the number of vertices of your model ?

If all these points looks correct, I would suggest these two actions :

- Try to export your model wis the exact ship's name of the one included in the mod (Anna_V something). So, you will only have to replace the two files and place your texture in the texture folder (update the path in your .mtl file).

I have done that and it worked for me

- Create a new mod by coppying the "public" folder, and update your index file (mod name and so on as specified in the tutorial + the required new lined for your new ship).

I am sure that at some point it should work smiley: wink ! I had to spend an all evening to succeed on my own...

If problem persists, you can send me your files and I will try to look if I can find something.

Keep hope smiley: wink, it deserves your pain !
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12 years ago
Nov 8, 2012, 4:37:55 PM
No problem at all, your help was great, believe me smiley: wink I found some nice tutorials on unwrapping and texturing and I think I'm able now to do some texturing. For my first trial (which I want to implement in ES successfully before applying a more complex texture) I chose some golden stuff which looks a bit boring but nice enough for the first trial smiley: smile

I only have one small and bit confusing problem: I exported my model form 3dsmax to .obj including the material. But the program only created a .obj file and a .mtl file with the following content:

[CODE]# Max2Mtl Version 4.0 Mar 10th, 2001


newmtl 03_-_Default

Ka 0.6 0.6 0.6

Kd 0.6 0.6 0.6

Ks 0.9 0.9 0.9

d 1.0

Ns 0.0

illum 2




But there isn't a texture file smiley: frown So my golden texture.jpg file which I successfully applied inside the editor isn't appearing. Is that normal so I have to create a "texture" folder and move my texture file in there or did the program something wrong (or better: Did I something wrong? smiley: wink )?

EDIT: After some trilals the .mtl file looks at least a bit similar to yours and uses the name of the texture, although I had to insert it manually to the ships folder. But now after starting ES and applying the mod, it "freezes" in that Sheredyn throne room loading screen... Although it don't really freezes but leaves in this loading phase with the blinking "loading" at the bottom. So I can't load the mod although I did everything as written in your tutorial. I used the CustomShipsMod Structure and didn't changed the name, I only inserted the three new files and changed the Index file. Do you have any idea what I could've been doing wrong?
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12 years ago
Nov 8, 2012, 1:59:08 PM
Please note that the path I described to you do not cover how to implement your model in ES.

If you need info on this, I would suggest you to refer to the official modding tutorial thread (but I think you already consult this one), and you can also see what I answered recently on an other helping thread.


I would also precise that I'm not an expert in this, so it may be uncomplete or inaccurate at some point.
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12 years ago
Nov 8, 2012, 1:51:34 PM
Hey Choucane,

Thank you very much for this info, I think it will help a lot. I'll try this as fast as I can and I'll give some feedback whether it worked or not smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 8:53:24 PM
Hello Quaresma7,

I am currently creating some models for Sadi's humanity mod, and by the way, I'm learning how to texture it.

I am working with Blender, so I couldn't teach you exactly how to do with 3dsmax, but I may give you the general path which I think is common.

To texture the ship, you need to use UV map textures.

That means, basically, to unwrap your mesh on a plan, then to paint your unwrapped mesh (generally this work is done with gimp or photoshop after an export of your unwrapped mesh in .png)

Then, you import back this painted texture as .jpg and apply to your unwrapped mesh (by the way, you created a material with the painted texture).

Quite automatically, your ship will be textured according to the unwrapped mesh.

Then, when you export your model in .obj format, it will create a correlated .mtl which define all the materials of your ship (light, textures and so on...). This .mtl will point your .jpg texture.

That's why you will need these three files at least in your templates folder. Beware ! Do not change .mtl name after exporting, otherwise it will not work.

I hope it gives you some light on the work you will have to do, and I think there is many tutorials on the net to tell you how to perform uv mapping with 3dsmax.

A last point :

The top limit of vertices in the Unity engine used by endless space is 65 000 vertices (specified by ravine). You have to devide this number by 6 to obtain the equivalent measured by 3dsmax and blender, so it is arround 10 000 in 3dsmax (don't ask me why, I don't know at all).

I would suggest you to check this also on your model.

Solentis (2D/3D artist) adviced these limits for maximum vertices :

Corvette: 20 ballistique 10 missiles 10 dca 8000 triangles

Destroyer: 20 ballistique 10 missiles 10 dca 8000 triangles

Cruiser: 60 ballistique 30 missiles 30 dca 15000 triangles

Battleship: 60 ballistique 30 missiles 30 dca 15000 Triangles

Dreadnought: 160 ballistique 80 missiles 80 dca 30000 Triangles

Good luck smiley: wink !
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