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Lack of organization

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12 years ago
Nov 16, 2012, 6:48:24 PM
I have been searching through the forum for modding for a couple weeks now and the thing that strikes me is the lack of organization. I prefer using moddb.com (which there are several mods on for ES). But on the forums where most of the activity seems to take place, it's a jumble of people asking questions, half finished tutorials, and everyone trying to figure out what and how to do the modding for ES.

Is there some place (besides the mod "store" post) where there is a list of mods and how to implement them. I personally believe the community should use sites like moddb.com (I am actually unaware of any other that would work as well) where it is purely mods that are available for use, this way those who want to simply consume the mods don't have to fight though a forum full of the business of making/refining mods, but instead and just get the streamlined description and install instructions of other users mods. And use the forum for more in-depth troubleshooting and for when they decide they want to do some modding themselves.

What does everyone think?
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12 years ago
Nov 16, 2012, 7:20:52 PM
I would never post my mod on moddb, so that's one down. I don't want to register on a website I never use, and I never found it that user friendly anyway.

I believe each modder should create comprehensive install instructions on the official page of their mod - be it on the forums, a site of its own or moddb. That would go a long way towards making things more user friendly. A central repository is a fine idea but you're never going to get everyone on-board unless it's driven by Amplitude and accessible directly ingame as per Civ V or other games.

That said, there aren't actually that many mods available right now, so it's not a huge issue. The 'mod store' is an OK idea but wont work once it does become active since people aren't going to read individual posts in a 10+ page topic in the hope they'll find a mod they like - a simple sticky listing all (released) mods in respective categories with links to each mod would be more useful, but that would require someone to actively maintain it.
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12 years ago
Nov 16, 2012, 8:03:22 PM
I have put my mods on moddb, but to be honest it was such a big time-sink I would never do it again. I exchanged 6-8 emails with their tech support, each time getting a cryptic failure message, and my mod was deleted three times before it "stuck".

Regarding how to make mods, I am sure you found the sticky thread on how to make mods. I am not sure how that could be more clear. It is true that many of the other threads in the forum are questions, or half-done investigations, but that is the nature of forums.

The *one page long* mod shopping mall should be sufficient to organize all the mods. Please note that among the 15 mods listed there, 10 are dead in the sense that they do not work with the current version of ES. This means there are 5 live mods. If anything, I should reorganize this into a "dead mod thread" and a "live mod thread", which would have only five entries. I hope you agree that one thread is sufficient to describe the entire mod collection so far.

Of course, if in the future there are more mods than reasonably fit on one thread, I will be happy to either maintain more threads, or help other people maintain more threads.

(EDIT: I took my own suggestion and moved the mods which are definitely no longer working, or never released, out of the shopping mall, and updated the initial post to mention that only released mods should go there.)
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12 years ago
Nov 16, 2012, 8:14:04 PM
Yeah I'm not saying it has to be moddb, I just think as the mods become (hopefully) more numerous, something a little easier to browse would be nice. Although something pushed by Amplitude and directly accessible ingame would be awesome. Is there a way to suggest improvements like that besides just making a post in Games2Gether and hope it gets seen? All I've ever done was vote on the ones that they
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12 years ago
Nov 16, 2012, 8:18:53 PM
All the posts in the suggestion forum get seen by the dev team. Your particular suggestion has been made multiple times, so it is up to you if you want to repeat it.
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12 years ago
Nov 16, 2012, 8:33:35 PM
Awesome, keeping the mall clean with what are live/active mods I think is a big improvement already.
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12 years ago
Nov 17, 2012, 1:42:53 AM
Since one can easily upload the mods directly here to this forum, I really feel no need to upload them somewhere else aswell.

Also I feel that as long as the devs are still working so much on the game, for now, I don't feel incited to do stuff other than what the Devs might actually use themselves.

I would not waste my time to make balancing/game-rule-changing/content-adding-Mods as long as there's so much fluctuation withing the game.

So I'm mostly concentrating on stuff that affects the AI.
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