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Affinity Questions

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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 7:35:02 PM
I tried searching for some information on this, but I wasn't able to find anything so I'll just ask. Of course this means that a thread a page back probably has the answer, as it usually does :P

I've been playing around at making custom factions with their own affinities. I set up my faction all nice, with custom icons and backgrounds, and it looks lovely. But it kinda falls apart from there. Whenever I try playing as my faction, I get assigned a random starting planet class. I've looked and looked all over the code but can't find where this is defined anywhere. Does anyone where each affinity is assigned its starting planet class? Or is it hardcoded by chance? Thanks in advance for the help.
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12 years ago
Nov 24, 2012, 7:44:48 PM
In: \Plugins\GalaxyGenerator\GalaxySettings.xml

Search for HomePlanet, should be easy to figure out the rest.



Note: You need to copy the entire Plugins directory with everything in it to your mod directory, unlike Simulation directory where you can pick only the files you want to edit.
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