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Modding Noob trying to mod governors.

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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 9:19:12 AM
Is it possible to mod my govenors to act differently to game defaults?

I think the "AIParametersBuilding.xml" file is what I want. But I can't figure out how the mechanics work. I understand that a higher number meant a higher priority, but I can't come up with a proper mechanism that would explain how each governor type or balanced would work.

I thought balanced might take the highest priority number for any and use that, or average it. Either way though, it would end up with a number above 0 for the food improvements. On the other hand the military improvements are always built.

Also is it possible to mod a my governors to be different to the AI players? Or for me to use a custom governor in multiplayer games? (I want to save time because I pretty much have a built order for some "must build" buildings.) But I don't want to build most others as a way to conserve dust upkeep.
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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 4:26:57 PM
ryousei wrote:
Is it possible to mod my govenors to act differently to game defaults?

I think the "AIParametersBuilding.xml" file is what I want. But I can't figure out how the mechanics work. I understand that a higher number meant a higher priority, but I can't come up with a proper mechanism that would explain how each governor type or balanced would work.

I thought balanced might take the highest priority number for any and use that, or average it. Either way though, it would end up with a number above 0 for the food improvements. On the other hand the military improvements are always built.

Also is it possible to mod a my governors to be different to the AI players? Or for me to use a custom governor in multiplayer games? (I want to save time because I pretty much have a built order for some "must build" buildings.) But I don't want to build most others as a way to conserve dust upkeep.

Yes, you can but only to some extent.

There's more files than just AIParametersBuilding.xml involved in that but you are right that it is one of them.

The file that describes the difference between the Governors is, I think the one with the word "Bailiff" in it's name. It describes the a factor how important each governor regards each of the values you can see in AIParametersBuilding.xml. There also is another multiplyer in Registry.xml and one in the XML for the different races. Also there are some situational multiplyers in the game, that could also be found in Registry.xml (for example there is a modifier to food when the population is low and one to military when at war).

Also very important are the files like StarSystemImprovement.xml, where there are specific conditions defined that must be met before a building can be built by a governor.

Example: The governor won't make a building that only gives a benefit when there is an explored moon, when you have no moon.

It would be really hard to modify a governor without also affecting the play of the AI since the AI has been seen to at least use following different governors:

Balanced, Food, Production, Dust.

Making a new governor would only allow you to modify their modifiers but that is probably not what you want when looking at AIParametersBuilding.xml.

Here's how the governor works:

When deciding if and in what order to build things he will divide the value after all multipliers have been applied by the number of turns it takes to build them.

If this is lower than the value for Ind=>Dust it won't build it.

For example: Your building has a Value of Industry=2.

You use the balanced Governor who has a multiplier of 0.6 for Industry.

This gives you 1.2.

The value for Ind=>Dust is 0.1 and the multipliers are 0.7 and 0.5.

This gives you 0.035.

So the maximum number of turns it can take for your building to be built is 1.2/0.035=34.

As whatever you are doing with this potentially improves the AI, I'm interested in following your changes.
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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 4:33:53 PM
Just a quick intervention to avoid some miss understanding

Bailiff related file are use only when we need to "sell" some part of the empire to avoid bankrupcy... otherwise, it is not used.

The governor related factor are defined in the "AI/StarSystemAssignation.xml".
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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 5:51:28 PM
Yeah, thanks for your intervention. Wasn't at home so couldn't look up which file I meant. But good to know what this is actually good for.
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12 years ago
Nov 25, 2012, 8:23:39 AM
Thanks alot guys, I was actually really busy for awhile and completely forgot about it. I'll look into this stuff now.
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12 years ago
Nov 25, 2012, 8:49:01 PM
Please make sure to inform us about your progress.

I'm really interested in this.
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