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[Help/Advice] Art

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12 years ago
Nov 19, 2012, 1:32:49 AM
So, I acquired a drawing tablet a few weeks ago and have since been practicing how to draw and getting used to Autodesk Sketchbook Designer. I've made some decent drawings so far, but they all seem cartoony and unrealistic. Does anyone have any experience (Especially a dev maybe? smiley: biggrin) in digital drawing and would like to give me some advice on how to make more realistic art? Any tips are appreciated!


And here two drawings I did:

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12 years ago
Nov 20, 2012, 7:16:43 PM
Try to copy the work of others.

Try drawing hands from all sorts of perspectives.

Before making the real drawing, do a balls-and-pillars-version to get a better feeling for the perspective and to see which pars are covered.

Now you actually gave me a good idea for what I could want to have as a gift for christmas. I'd somehow like one of these drawing-boards too! smiley: ohh
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12 years ago
Nov 20, 2012, 11:42:23 PM
Get the Intous 5 small, its wonderful for the price. As for the art, yeah, I want to get into modding so I am practicing drawing stuff up and eventually I'll start modelling. I just cant find any tutorials so I am at a loss as to how something like the ES art is done. I have a picture of the first Automaton drawing and it basically went from random straight lines into what we have today which I was in awe of, but thanks for the reply haha.
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