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Fail - would appreciate help

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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 7:05:36 PM
Hello Community,

I got a little mod that should change the available race point from hissho and Terran to 999. It is just a fun mod for single player but I can’t get it to work.

It just freezes every time the ES loading screen comes and the black lines below the screen becomes grey.

It would be really kind of you guys if you could take a look at my mod and please tell me what I done wrong so I can do more stuff smiley: smile.


With greetings
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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 7:52:09 PM
Start with setting stand-alone to false and loading only the repository you are actually using.

Edit: To explain this - which I didn't do in my rushed reply earlier (had to run to prevent a pizza from burning!), if you set stand-alone to true then the game will expect *all* files required to run the game in the mod folder. Your mod is not a stand-alone, in fact no currently released mods are (as nobody has done a total conversion yet), so you need to set this to false. This way you only place the files you actually wish to change/add in your mod folder, and everything else is loaded from the original game.

For good measure give your mod a name, not Endless Space - the name will show up bottom left when loaded correctly. Also change the version to something you recognise - 1.0.0 will do fine for now. Then you know for sure "your" mod is loaded once you get to the title screen.








This will help you keep track of your mod much more easily.

Next - if it doesn't load, check the game error log. (/EndlessSpace_data/output_log.txt)
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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 9:07:00 PM
EvilTactician wrote:
Start with setting stand-alone to false and loading only the repository you are actually using.

Edit: To explain this - which I didn't do in my rushed reply earlier (had to run to prevent a pizza from burning!), if you set stand-alone to true then the game will expect *all* files required to run the game in the mod folder. Your mod is not a stand-alone, in fact no currently released mods are (as nobody has done a total conversion yet), so you need to set this to false. This way you only place the files you actually wish to change/add in your mod folder, and everything else is loaded from the original game.

For good measure give your mod a name, not Endless Space - the name will show up bottom left when loaded correctly. Also change the version to something you recognise - 1.0.0 will do fine for now. Then you know for sure "your" mod is loaded once you get to the title screen.








This will help you keep track of your mod much more easily.

Next - if it doesn't load, check the game error log. (/EndlessSpace_data/output_log.txt)

Dude Thank you smiley: smile I just have some terrible HTML skills so you opened a new world to me :P

Now I fixed everything and added all affinitys. I know its not a world moving mod but I think some people will like it smiley: smile



you forgot smth smiley: biggrin thats why i stucked first






sorry that you nearly lost your pizza cause of me :P
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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 11:05:09 PM
Aye - I edited straight in the topic and accidentally deleted the closing tag :P Glad you figured it out and got things sorted smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 2:38:29 PM

Do you know why some files in the unmodded Index.xml are not assigned to any repository?

When I was cleaning up my mod with the goal of only using small files that include only my changes, I found that some files like "DiplomaticBehavior.xml" are not assigned to any repository and thus I could not see how the repository is called in which I would want to put my files.

So I still just add the whole file to my mod.

Not sure if it is understandable what I want. smiley: ohh
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 2:48:27 PM
Hey Ail, I think I understand what you mean. Truth be told, I'm not sure - but I'm guessing that no Repository exists for those files. You should be able to use partial files rather than whole ones, I think the mod loading process loads a lot of the additional files anyway. (Worth trying as you can quickly back up your file, strip out the bits you don't need and see if it behaves as expected)

Localization files don't go in any repository either but are all loaded automatically.

I always prefer using partial files instead of including entire ones (just adding the bits I've actually changed as much as possible) as it makes updating to new game versions a lot quicker and less painful.

A lot of the modding could still do with more in-depth documentation to be honest. Some of the new files (events for example) have extensive comments within the file itself which explain all variables - we need something similar for the file structure as a whole. As well as a list of all available scopes, modifiers, variables, etc. Unfortunately it would be a lot of work to compile for a developer smiley: frown
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 6:11:27 PM
The list of all available scopes is disappointingly small. I cannot find the post, and I agree there should be more detailed, more accessible documentation. My assumption is, if you cannot find a scope you want within the available game objects, it isn't there. The developer thortillas is the one who usually answers these questions, and iblise is the modder who has asked most of them. So if you have a little available time, use advanced search to find posts by these two authors in the modding forum, and you will hopefully learn a lot. For example:

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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 7:24:51 PM
Right now it's mostly trial & error for most modding - which works but it can be extremely time consuming and often disappointing to find that your ideas are not achievable.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 7:29:58 PM
EvilTactician wrote:
extremely time consuming and often disappointing to find that your ideas are not achievable.
This. tenchars
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12 years ago
Dec 1, 2012, 2:04:37 AM
Yes, hopefully they will at least add scripting. I knew sooner or later modders would run up against a wall of what can be done using only .xml files, as happens with many other games who's only support is .xml modding with some graphical support as well, think GalCiv2.
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