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Request: Orion/(Tor!) superplanet with guardian

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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 10:41:08 AM
Talkin a mod to create a star system either only accessible with a certain tech, or not. contains a stationary guardian that is quite difficult (could be a pirate) named tor, or something else, system has 1 huge planet with lots of pop, maybe terran/jungle? (no gaia here) and some custom wonder with stats.

TLDR i just realised i don't have the wherewithal to create this on my own, and thus im requesting it


Suggestion thread here, look for further details.

Any old MOO players will know exactly what i mean with this request.

(Preferably an option to enable in game options i guess?)

acutal design of this mod doesnt necissiarily need new models or anythign complex, the only issue is telling the game to add a new system, probally centered, to the map seed, and then have said system be static with the stuff, idk how to do any of that, but any moo player and many other players in the future will very much benefit from this mod smiley: stickouttongue)
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12 years ago
Dec 1, 2012, 2:06:52 AM
kaydiechii wrote:
noted, thank you smiley: smile i really hope for this sometime in the future, preferably built into the game

I think the Devs have planned to add that to the game at some point.
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