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Modifying Affinities?

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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 2:59:18 AM
I was creating my own faction with their own affinity, traits, unique techs, and what not but when I went to add the horatio cloning effect I couldn't find it anywhere and I also realized I couldn't find some of the other affinity effects either United Empire tax-to-industry bonus, Sophon research bonus for example. I couldn't seem to find them anywhere under simulation, are they hard coded? And is there some way to add their effects to modded in affinity?

Edit: After a few revelations, thanks to those that replied, this is a list of what I know, feel free to add, comment, ask, and use to your advantage

United Empire

+ 10 ship exp: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityTerran

Tax-Industry Bonus: EmpireDescriptor under TaxBonus


50% support module: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinitySophon

Tax-Research Bonus: EmpireDescriptor under TaxBonus


Busido Bonus Amounts: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityHissho_____Victory

Setting up the bonus is a little involved. There's entries in EmpireDescriptor under AffinityHissho_____Victory that would need to be copied for a new affinity.

There's also entries in FactionTrait under AffinityHissho_____Victory that would need to be copied. I haven't tested this but if you are trying to add the affect to an affinity you need to replicate all instances with the new affinity name.


Discover Galaxy: In FactionTrait under AffinityAmoeba you can see a line apptly named DiscoverGalaxy


Both effects are in EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityAutomaton, doesn't seem to be anything fancy to get overproduction working it just works if you've got the OverProductionToStackFactor.

Stacks max value is hiding in StarSystemDescriptor search for StackedOverProductionMaxValue


Im not seeing where the locust points and fids bonus/malus are, still need help on that one


Cloning: Nothing yet

Fatigue Bonus: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityHoratio


Nothing on the food reduction and industry to food bonus


Evacuation: In Technology under TechPlayerStartResistance there's an entry for StarSystemEvacuation, adding this should let you evacuate planets (needs testing)
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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 12:55:53 PM
When creating a faction, you can choose what "basic" boost they get, and how their ship design is(in terms of what race their ships look like) you can do this by just clicking on the bars in the middle of the screen telling you the name of the race IIRC
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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 3:58:30 PM
@ lolwut, thanks for the reply, but the OP question is about how to mod the affinities, how to find the details in the game xml files and change them.

@ cmdrquartz, I have not looked for these details. It is possible they are hard-coded, but unlikely. The modder who knew the most about affinities has left a few months ago, but I am sure somebody can find the answer to your question.
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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 4:46:19 PM
This piqued my interest, so I had a quick look and have so far found the following. Granted, it is very limited, so either it may indicate some things are hardcoded, or stored somewhere I haven't looked yet.

I opened up "EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml", and found the following at the top:



To me, this certainly suggests that an aspect of a faction's affinities/inherent traits are editable. I'll edit this post if I find anything else.
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12 years ago
Dec 4, 2012, 7:42:03 AM
Check EmpireDescriptor.xml, there you can find the values for affinities that can be edited. For exemple UE IND or Sophons SCI modifiers based on approval can be found there. Even Cravers or Hissho affinities can be edited there.

Sadly Amoeba and Pilgrims affinities can't be edited / replicated.


I mention those two that are hard coded because i wanted to modify them myself.

For exemple i always found Amoeba affinity more as something convenient then something to define a faction, wanted to replicate the affinity as a trait and give them a new affinity but it has nothing visible for us to replicate.

I don't think the Sower food reduction is visible anywhere either, i searched all the files but couldn't find it and was expecting to be somewhere since it's just a modifier.
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12 years ago
Dec 4, 2012, 8:18:23 AM
Actually the amoeba affinity is really easy to add under FactionTrait find AffinityAmoeba and you'll notice a command line saying "DiscoverGalaxy" pop that in under your own or a different affinity and bam, whole map is revealed when you start.

Ahh yes I'm seeing where they have the UE and Sophons modifiers and kind of see how one might add the Hissho bonus.

I think the Pilgrim abandon planet thing is in the same file as the terraforming options I think, or is a system wide thing under the system improvements? one of those I think.

Also still no idea on how to add cloning, I have clone slots I can see them listed in the academy but I don't have a clone option. Maybe it's under the GUI somewhere to unlock that option?

Edit:In the Technology file under TechPlayerStartResistance is the unlockable StarSystemEvacuation, may require testing but if you add this under a different set it would probably give you the ability to abandon systems.
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 2:42:38 AM
Just going to kind of make a reference for myself and edit it into the first post as well for anyone else interested in using affinity effects since some of them aren't so obvious.

United Empire

+ 10 ship exp: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityTerran

Tax-Industry Bonus: EmpireDescriptor under TaxBonus


50% support module: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinitySophon

Tax-Research Bonus: EmpireDescriptor under TaxBonus


Busido Bonus Amounts: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityHissho_____Victory

Setting up the bonus is a little involved. There's entries in EmpireDescriptor under AffinityHissho_____Victory that would need to be copied for a new affinity.

There's also entries in FactionTrait under AffinityHissho_____Victory that would need to be copied. I haven't tested this but if you are trying to add the affect to an affinity you need to replicate all instances with the new affinity name.


Discover Galaxy: In FactionTrait under AffinityAmoeba you can see a line apptly named DiscoverGalaxy


Both effects are in EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityAutomaton, doesn't seem to be anything fancy to get overproduction working it just works if you've got the OverProductionToStackFactor.

Stacks max value is hiding in StarSystemDescriptor search for StackedOverProductionMaxValue


Im not seeing where the locust points and fids bonus/malus are, still need help on that one


Cloning: Nothing yet

Fatigue Bonus: EmpireTraitDescriptor under AffinityHoratio


Nothing on the food reduction and industry to food bonus


Evacuation: In Technology under TechPlayerStartResistance there's an entry for StarSystemEvacuation, adding this should let you evacuate planets (needs testing)
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