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Additional Anomalies

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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 6:23:38 AM
This mod adds 35 new anomalies to the game to add some additional flavor and variety to the exploration of the galaxy.

14 of the new anomalies are re-written versions from davea's More anomalies mod.

Colored anomalies are original work of Luminality, and expanded to include the anomalies presented here (and also Hellgourds).

Notes on the anomalies:

Recent Impact has five different reduction possibilities.

The leftover infrastructure anomalies were left with plain white coloring to signify their initial lack of benefits.

Some anomalies preclude already existing anomalies; for example, Unfriendly Locals can be reduced to Friendly Locals, and Buried Relics reduces into Ancient Artifacts.

A third reduction was added to Hostile Fauna, and if I can wrap my head around it, I may add other three-tiered reductions.

Thanks to davea and Luminality to their hard work!

Let me know if I made any mistakes or you encounter any problems with the mod and I'll get it fixed.

Also--are there any anomalies you would like to see in the game? Let me know and I will see if I can add them in.

v1.0.1 added, corrected a typo and fixed a slight error in the reduction of Glass Planet.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 7:44:02 AM
I'm on the laptop at the moment, so I can't download, but this sounds awesome! I'll pick it up and play it tomorrow! =)
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 9:39:28 AM
Awesome work yet again Tiaximus smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 1:39:16 AM
Here are a few ideas I haven't focused on yet but have on the back burner.

Derma-topology - Planet surface with patches of biomatter; spongy plains with eerily waving cilia tall as trees, ossuary forests of bone like fields of naked ribs jutting from the ground, enormous boiling pustules spewing ick like a disturbing analog of a natural geyser. Overall, an entirely pleasant place to live if you were a tick.

Genius Loci - Dust deposits have given this planet a mild sense of itself...

Catatonic Fog - A cloying fog roams the surface of this planet, and those caught within experience a sort of narcotic haze. Causality melts into a mind-numbed catatonic state, with long-term exposure leaving colonists staring into space with no desires, no cares, and no way to feed or clean themselves.

Enslaved Locals; a planetary 'reduction' that can be used on friendly or unfriendly locals; increase to production but decrease to maxpop and approval. This can be changed back to friendly locals at any time with another reduction. Same could be used on Advanced Civilization, turning them into Enslaved Civilization and back.

A high-end 'reduction' (higher up the tech tree than atmospheric filtration--maybe on science or diplomacy even) that takes Friendly Locals up to Advanced Civilization.

Quantum Nightmare - A space colony from some unknown area of the universe has left a forgotten space station on this planet. The station's warp drive sends readings of what could only be an artificial black hole--whatever scientific studies could have been made here were interrupted by horrifying, mutated nightmares that spill forth from some dimension between time and space, filling the planet with demented and violent residents.

Colossal Tsunamis - (Ocean) This planet is ravaged with intense seismic activity combined with a rapidly spinning planetary axis and a tidal force run wild by solar gravitational effects. To put it simply, this planet is more elliptic, with dual waves surging constantly over opposite ends of the planet.

Aesthetic Structures - Planet filled with art objects (left by endless perhaps?)

Temporal Echoes - Ghostly images of the former civilization still flash across the planet from some failed experiment with temporal science.

Wasteland Vaults - A world covered in nuclear fallout with deep underground structures built to protect a the remaining populace

Chaotic Polarity - Planet lies in a state of gravitational chaos, changing axis nearly as often as other planets change seasons--it's a wonder it stays within the solar system at all.

Perfected Axis - Enormous stabilizing bar runs through planet, magnetically equalizing it with the sun(s) and other solar bodies (Endless tech?)

Eternal Mating Cycle - natural flora/fauna exude massive quantities of pheromones, creating a year-long mating cycle with interesting effects on colonists (hey, if sowers/automatons can somehow be affected by psychoactive gas and appreciate the beauty of an aurora, they can appreciate the fun of a planet filled with raging hormones)

Endless Temple - who's to say they were all built on moons?

Garbage Dump - planet filled with another civ's waste. Massive rings above the atmosphere spew waste from some unknown link in space.

Along with the Horatio Exile and Craver Progenitor, I thought I would add some flavor for each race. Ex:

Mad Scientist (Sophon) - dust-crazed scientist making death rays and other cute cliches

Prison Colony (Hissho) - think "The One" with Jet Li

Any of those sound good?
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 3:07:16 AM
Apparently I can't download attachments, and it doesn't tell me why... Great forum system, devs...
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 4:22:17 AM
I wish everybody who used the forum attachment system would add these instructions. If you cannot download:

1. Log out of the forum and log back in again.

2. Try a different browser (firefox vs IE, etc)

3. Clear your browser cookies
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 6:54:37 PM
I found that if I tried to load this mod from the game menus, the game exits but does not restart with the mod loaded. The only way around this is to put in the start up option "+mod TiaxAnomalyExpansion". I'm not sure if its a bug with the mod or the game itself as I have not tested any other mods yet, but I thought I'd mention it in case other ran into a similar problem.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 10:28:36 PM
I have the same problem with any mod I try to run, even really simple changes like to the descriptions.

Also, I noticed a couple of mess-ups I will have fixed by tomorrow when I get back home--one of the titles of one of the anomalies is messed up, and the benefits to reducing glass planet ends up being a 200% increase in dust per person. So, yeah, enjoy that until I get it fixed. :-)
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 10:58:23 PM
When you are creating a mod (or, in case of a modder error, playing a mod) please be sure to check (steam)\Endless Space\EndlessSpace_data\output_log.txt for any string with "Modding". This will indicate a syntax error in the mod xml files.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 12:55:23 AM
Do wonders still appear with this active? I've gone through three half-explored huge maps and have yet to find a single one. That might just be terrible luck, mind...

Edit: Just inexplicably bad luck, I guess. Next map I ran had two right near the starting planet. Don't mind this.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 5:18:51 AM
I have a new mod that brings the total up to 94 anomalies, called Anomaly Overhaul. If you like this one, check it out. smiley: biggrin
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