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merging ImperiumAeterna and Pirates?

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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 5:48:50 PM

Is it possible to merge the ImperiumAeterna mod with the Piarate Appearance and Playable Pirates mod? Anyone tried that? Is it simply a matter of copying each mod's files into a single file?

/EDIT Thank you. Will read up on modding, and will try Crymson's file.
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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 6:55:37 PM
As the Author of Pirates Appearance I have been considering this, I prefer to play with Imperium Aeterna and have asked for permission to use the colorization elements of it in my mods.

Generally I don't like to use anyone's intellectual property without previous permission, however I will look at making a simple lashup version with the understanding that any problems do NOT reflect upon Evil Tactician or his work.

So give me some time to look it over and if it is feasible I'll post here to let you know.
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