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Could use some help with hero spawning

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12 years ago
Jan 3, 2013, 12:11:03 PM
Hey all, i am working on a mod that allows me to set purchaseable traits to influence your starting hero pool, and i have absolutley 0 experience with modding before, but i've gotten far enough to make a trait selectable and make a descreptor for it - but for the actual effect of telling the game, "with this trait i want to spawn with this hero" I have no idea how to do, nor do i know where to find the id's of the 61 different heroes, could anyone help? the idea is off this https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12678-force-start-with-specific-hero thread - i decided ill just make a mod for it since the dev's will not likely add it in, and i want less rng based games
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12 years ago
Jan 3, 2013, 4:20:17 PM
I think KnightHawk is the local expert on this. But, I am sure it is "not easy" to make heroes race-specific or else he would have done it.
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12 years ago
Jan 3, 2013, 9:30:55 PM
@kaydiechii - If your talking about an in-game mod, you'll first need to know if a hero's recruitment bits are exposed to modders (last I checked awhile back they were not), if they are not then you're S.O.L in terms of enforcing race specific heroes, if they are exposed I've posted not to too long ago in this forum (can't remember the thread just search for 'hero recruitmentbits') on the specifics of how to manipulate them for a given hero for a given empireid. (you can also look at my editor to get started if your having trouble figuring out bit parts)

Your question about where to find their id's -> you can find their profiles Id's in simulation\heros.xml

Edit: That thread I mentioned.


@dave the reason I'm lagging on the auto-adjust to races specifics in my editor has more to do with the fact there aren't enough heroes for some races to make things even, even so it's still on my to-do list. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 1:26:05 PM
Thanks, will do! - and not necissairly race specific, more so bound to empiretraits But i just now by chance looked over your editor, and if i can edit heros with it that will completley solve my issue just much less conveniently - my goal is to as my linked thread suggests, allow players to spend faction trait points to influence one of the heros they are granted in their first 3 pool, so that way econ/peaceful races can ensure they'll get an administrator/corporate hero if they so desire, and vice versa.

I've had too many games where hero RNG has lost or outright won me the game (seems exaggerated but it's not. mid game admin hero with full food and produ bonus as well as -3 turn to switch causes systems to grow twice-three times as fast, even with buyouts on all available rainbow improvements)

im looking to remedy this and make a more stable and balanced enviorment, which is actually exactly what i posted in your thread about :3,
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 3:18:13 PM
sadly kaydiechii my editor I don't think will help you much though cause it's only going to change the hero's specific to that mapfile\game instance, it's not a 'running' mod so you'd have to do it over again for every new game you start.
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 4:03:16 PM
KnightHawk wrote:
sadly kaydiechii my editor I don't think will help you much though cause it's only going to change the hero's specific to that mapfile\game instance, it's not a 'running' mod so you'd have to do it over again for every new game you start.

Yeah, sadly i dont think ill be able to make a mod, i just don't know how really :l, but thisll work for the time being i guess
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