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New Custom Trait Mods

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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 7:35:18 AM
I have created 3 new custom trait mods all of which can be downloaded at https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16078-mindwerkz-inc-mods

Genetics Lab Built on game ver. 1.0.46 (Trait Mod)

Mindwerkz Industries Genetics Lab has released new Genome sequences for the usage of any empire willing to pay the premium price for access to the data.

Adds additional faction traits to the baseline set.

Spacefarers, Increases population on asteroids and orbital colonies while lowering it on planets.

Subterranean Dwellers, Increases population on planets and lowers it on asteroids and orbital colonies

Inspired Intellectuals, Lowers the cost for technology development.

Self Sufficient Colonists, Lowers the demand for food.

Industrialists, Increase the Industry production of your population.

Expansionists, Lowers the overcolonization malus.

Tinkerers, Increase ship repair rates and lower ship refit costs.

Military Hegemony, Increases Ship XP income.

Bureaucracy, Increases the number of hero slots in the academy and the rate heroes arrive in your empire.

Hero Worship, Increase the rate of Hero XP income.

Capitalism, Buyout costs are lowered.

Blitzkrieg, Invasion power is increased.

Expert Logistics, Ship upkeep costs are reduced.

I have made every effort to balance this mod but feedback is welcome especially in regards to balance and usefulness of the new traits.

**Includes the Colored anomalies, exploitations, planets, and warnings from Evil Tacticians excellent Imperium Aeterna mod, all credits due thereto.**

Scions of the Endless Built on game ver. 1.0.46 (Trait Mod)

The Scions of the Endless walk the stars and soon their enemies shall tremble at their tread.

Contains the new Traits included in my Genetics Lab mod and also includes additional tiers for most of the original game traits.

I have made every effort to balance this mod, all new tier costs are increased by a factor equating to the amount each level increases in power.

Please provide feedback about the balance of this mod so that I might improve upon it.

**Includes the Colored anomalies, exploitations, planets, and warnings from Evil Tacticians excellent Imperium Aeterna mod, all credits due thereto.**

Rise of the Endless Built on game ver. 1.0.46 (Cheat Mod)

The Endless rise again and the very stars tremble at their coming.

This mod is identical to the Scions of the Endless mod, however this mod has been altered to satisfy those who want to play with any combination of traits they see fit.

This mod is in no way balanced nor is it intended to be, it is up to you to use your discretion to create a satisfying game experience.

**Includes the Colored anomalies, exploitations, planets, and warnings from Evil Tacticians excellent Imperium Aeterna mod, all credits due thereto.**

Please be sure to post your feedback in the home thread so that I can improve upon these mods.
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 8:46:28 AM
I think I found a bug. All of the point caps for the races seem to be correct but the Horation faction has a 200 point cap in your 2 trait mods. I really like the additional traits, well done.
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 5:09:03 PM

Yeah thats beta code that i forgot to snip out, just had it in there for testing purposes.

I'll get that fixed and re up the files.

Thanks for the catch.

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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 5:23:27 PM
Thank you very much MindX for catching that.

I uploaded new versions of the mods which fixes the problem.

Glad you are enjoying the mods. smiley: smile

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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 5:54:15 PM
Crymson wrote:
Thank you very much MindX for catching that.

I uploaded new versions of the mods which fixes the problem.

Glad you are enjoying the mods. smiley: smile


I have to admit, it was kind fun playing with 100 points or so. I just upped the difficulty and played with a few more traits than usual and had at it. Got to be too easy so I quit after about 60 turns. Awesome job on the traits though, I think they are balanced and very playable.
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 6:06:08 PM
Have you thought about making a genetic engineering tech or two that can be chosen later in the game that allows a player to choose additional faction traits? In the classic Master of Orion 2, Evolutionary Mutation allowed you 4 additional trait points to either reduce a hindrance or choose a positive trait. If I hade any ModdiNg capability, I would attempt it, but luckily we have you guys instead.

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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 6:48:45 PM
Hmm... Well afaik there is no way to access the trait system once the game starts.

Many techs have similar effects to faction traits and pretty much anything that can be in a trait can be added through a tech.

It does get me thinking that there are some things that aren't available through techs currently that could be added like reduced tech cost or reduced food demand.

Well that may just hafta be added to my list if things to do. oO

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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 2:21:07 AM
Looks interesting, reminds me that I will have to update my own mod after my vacation is over. I might have to borrow some of those ideas and put them into my mod.
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 4:08:00 AM
Feel free ZZgashi, my content is always free for the scrounging, I think free use seriously improves the community.

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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 7:38:55 PM
Crymson wrote:
Feel free ZZgashi, my content is always free for the scrounging, I think free use seriously improves the community.


Gosh, they would HATE you at RelicNews, but I wholeheartedly agree with your statement.
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 8:06:31 PM
Yeah I used to do DOW 1+2 modding and the community left something to be desired.
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 6:22:43 AM
Crymson wrote:
Yeah I used to do DOW 1+2 modding and the community left something to be desired.

Yeah, it was/is pretty brutal. I like this community though, so generous and helpful!
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