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Mass Effect Mod ! Help needed !

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12 years ago
Dec 30, 2012, 1:26:21 AM
Message to all mass effect fans/modders

I am working on a mass effect mod ,see here (http://www.moddb.com/mods/endless-effect) I will have my exams this year so working on this mod on my own would distract me and so i am asking for assistance. I'm looking for anybody that has some modding experience in endless space and has some knowledge of mass effect or If you cant mod but know a lot about mass effect i could use your thoughts and ideas for the mod. I would like ideas for anomalies and random events as well as traits and affinities. So if you would like to join the mod team please message me. If progress continued as it did now a release would probably be set for April but help would speed up development and more ideas could be implemented.

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12 years ago
Jan 3, 2013, 11:49:54 PM
I have a few ideas:

Rachni infestation: Maybe one of your ships loses 40% health for 20 turns?

Prothean Technology: A Weapon/Defence module that allows increased armor or weapons damage?

Krogan Warlords/Turian Legions: Increased invasion power?

Turian Power cells: Ship module for Increased movement.

Cipher: One of your heroes accquires the cipher, giving them a 50%exp Bonus.

Salarian intel: Increased radar range for 20 turns.

Human & Turian joint engineering: ship module that increases; Movement speed, and ships helath.

Targeting V.I: Ship module that increases, weapon accuracy.

Batarian Raider party: A Large Batarian (Pirate) Fleet appears on your Home system.

The Census: Linked to the Geth Census, you can increase your detection range.. Increased Radar Range

Thanix Cannons: Adds a 25% damage boost to all ships.

Hope I was some help!
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 3:22:53 AM
I have a great idea since I looked up the Moddb page on Endless Effect. For the Reapers, have them as the endgame faction. By that I mean that they start their invasion when a certain number of turns is reached and have the game difficulty effect it (I.E. On Easy, the turn they invade everybody is 200. On hard mode, they invade at turn 75 or somthing like that)
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 9:37:35 AM
Well that's the plan. Never thought of the difficulty differences though so thanks.
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 7:40:59 PM
For giggles, you should also make them available as a horribly imbalanced playable race. I for one would love to take on fleets with a single ship.
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