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[BUG] modintegrity

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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 1:11:30 PM
I find one very important error.

If any one player from MP session don't run this same mod or this same mod but else version). Hi still can enter to game, but data files takes from his local files!!

Example: In ConversionHero Mod i change attributes all heroes on 1, any who have this mod in this same version like HOST, see heroes attributes correct (1), but player who don't have this mod or have different version, see his statistics from original hero.xml

Somebody know what happened, and how secure this problem?
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 1:21:22 PM
I think what will happen is that the game goes out of sync.

A solution can obviously only be given by the Devs. The most elegant should be that the Hosts's mods are temporarily transferred to the others so they play by the same rules as him.
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 3:23:48 PM
There are two different situations. (1) Different players have mods with different names or one player does not have the mod. (2) Each player has a mod with the same name but one player has edited the mod. For case (1), the game does not allow this. Do you confirm? For case (2), this is a bug, the game should do some kind of "checksum" to make sure the mods are the same for each player. Ail is correct about the effect; having different text for the same mod will cause instant desync.
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