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Community Mod

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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 8:05:47 PM
I read a few times about a community mod being worked. I am curious where I can find information about it and help work on it in whatever way would help best. Sorry i looked and probably missed the obvious.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 1:39:22 AM
Well I was hoping it was something in development that people were putting together. I wanted to help, but ah well. Thanks though.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 2:03:20 AM
If you have ideas, please let us know. There are several other mods which are in development, who might be interested in a hand; please take a look in the mod shopping mall, click through to their own threads, and look there.
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 11:46:25 AM
The problem, in my opinion is not so much to create a community mod but to maintain it.

You will want to see which things from the different existing Mods you can combine and create a blend out of.

The thing is, if the mods you created the blend from, are constantly being updated it can become kinda hard to keep up with that.

One would have to constantly check for updates in the game and the mods in question.

It becomes even harder if you slightly modified a part of mod yourself.

If we want to do a new community mod, we need a multiple choice-poll about as many modifications as possible to see which people want to be in. But since most bigger mods consist of several changes, you can't just ask for the whole mod.

For example my mod consists of a lot of changes, that I think could go into a community mod but also has changes, where I'm pretty certain the majority would not like them. The same probably is true for other mods as well.

So it basically is quite a bunch of work and maintainance. If someone volunteers to do it, that would be nice and I would help by splitting my mod into separate parts and do a preselection of which ones of those I feel would suite a community-mod. If other modders would do this aswell, it could become a lot less work for the one who's merging them into one mod.
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12 years ago
Jan 18, 2013, 4:39:20 AM
I understand that, that is sort of what i did for my Civ3 mod, though I didn't ask for input (it wasn't a community mod, just my own that people liked.). The same problem though, having to maintain all of those mods and readdress your new version of what you added or changed. The Tracking on that can be immense and updates can take awhile. What ended up happening was we got lots of volunteers to help with that aspect. So I do understand most of what you say. I guess I will just do my own thing and release it here instead.

Wonder if there is a way to script a selection process for the mod to deactivate things you don't like. I know they did that in Civ4, but I also know modding this game is more like modding civ3. I am not complaining mind you, it was much easier.
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12 years ago
Jan 18, 2013, 8:43:53 AM
A fellow Civ 3 Modder <3!

That was my first game to mod very heavily!

I really hated that they had reintroduced that friggin' Sub-Marine-Bug which was fixed before and never fixed it again.

I found such a nicely working workaround for that stupid "protect every transport-vessel with 3 military ships"-thing of the AI but the sub-marine-bug kinda ruined it.

Other than that, my mod made the AI do so much better by changing all the mechanics that it had problems with.^^
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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 5:36:54 AM
Nice, I didn't touch the AI, not really my forte, but I started off adding wonders, and then expanding the entire game in just about every way. The graphics people added for units, helped a lot as I was not good at that. Good to run into an old Civ3 modder
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