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Is there a limit on the number of levels to a trait?

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12 years ago
Jan 23, 2013, 10:37:30 PM
I'm trying to make a simple (very simple!) mod that will allow players to adjust their faction traits beyond (or below) the 65 point limit, through the simple expedient of adding a pair of mutually-exclusive, multi-level bonus/penalty traits that do absolutely nothing except grant additional points (by having a negative cost without any negative modifiers) or take away points (by costing points without having any positive modifiers.)

When I launch ES, though, those modifiers (which should be under the Anomaly family) aren't in the list.

Are the number of levels a trait may have limited? (I'm trying to go up to level 11 on each.) Is there anything else I've missed? I looked at the sandbox mod's files for how to do it, and they didn't seem to have copied and added to the original files, so my FactionTrait.eml and EmpireTraitDescriptor.xml don't have them, either. They're all named appropriately, serially 1-11, with a root name that's the trait name without a number on it, put in Family Anomaly, with correctly sequential level numbers. In EmpireTraitDescriptor, they just exist as entries with their name and type, with SimulationObjectPropertyModifierDescriptor empty, but present.

[EDIT]NEVERMIND, this is bollocks! Further testing has shown to me that it can and happily will take levels above 3 - to what extent, I'm not sure yet. Gonna try testing up to 9. (Evidently, it hates the guts of large tooltips.)

[Edit2] Ahhh, evidently it will, at least, allow a Level rating up to 11. It just hates large tooltips.
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