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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 2:26:35 PM
Number one, I am not a programmer.

I would like to download something I can use to spice up endless space. Just a some new maps really.

Is there anyone who can explain how I can do that? Because I tried lurking and figuring out it out quietly, getting my DL and leaving, but that does not work here. For some reason this place is full of people who program and live for it, but can not seem to make access to their stuff something the rest of us can understand.

So very simply is there a mod, that just allows me to play on some more interesting maps? Just that. I tried the mod button at game launch but that does not seem to do anything. I am sure yall are convinced you are just very clever. Problem is no one but you all can see it because NO WHERE does anyone explain in plain language where are the mods I can use, and how do I use them. If I need to be a programmer to use them, then you folks are not near as clever as you think you are.

If I had hair I would be yanking it out.
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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 3:48:07 PM
you must have been looking at unfinished mods.

Have a look in the mod list thread here: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?8871

I would suggest Alternative Galaxy Generator which lets you make bigger maps.

That said, maps are randomly generated from the options you select in the game, so try changing those aswell (spiral, disk, etc).

As for installing mods, all released mods should come with a folder that you just put in \My Documents\Endless Space\Modding[/B].

Then you just load it in-game via the mod menu, or add +mod ModNameHere to the launch options (for Steam, - r-click the game in the list and choose properties) or the target field in the desktop shortcut (again, r-click) properties.

Further, it really helps to check the sticky threads at the top of each forum catergory smiley: wink

Hope this helps!
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12 years ago
Jan 23, 2013, 7:10:18 PM
Somehow I doubt that helps him. He lead off with "Number one: I am not a programmer," and you linked him to a page full of javascript. It isn't really clear from that page if you can just drop and go with the "Alternative Galaxy Generator," or if you need to set up something first.
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12 years ago
Jan 23, 2013, 8:57:46 PM
ShadowDragon8685 wrote:
Somehow I doubt that helps him. He lead off with "Number one: I am not a programmer," and you linked him to a page full of javascript. It isn't really clear from that page if you can just drop and go with the "Alternative Galaxy Generator," or if you need to set up something first.

maybe you should learn to read the thread and download the actual mod folder instead of looking at the source code.
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12 years ago
Jan 23, 2013, 10:20:52 PM
prassel wrote:
maybe you should learn to read the thread and download the actual mod folder instead of looking at the source code.

Or, alternatively, perhaps mod authors should make the OP of a mod thread user-friendly? That's all he was asking for, really, was some user-friendliness. Those who are not wise to the ways of the programmers are liable to see all of that and assume you have to do some CSI crap to make it compile and go back to looking for something more user-friendly.
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12 years ago
Jan 23, 2013, 10:47:40 PM
@ cluebat, I hope you have found the thread "mod shopping mall" which lists all the available mods.

@ shadowdragon8685, if I had written the OP for the alternative galaxy generator thread, I might have taken the long section on "How the galaxy generator works" and moved it to a later post. But any non-programmer should be expected to skip a section heading like that. Apart from that section, the OP of the thread seems very nice; it gives the download link in the first paragraph and there is a clear section on how to install.
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 12:42:07 AM
ShadowDragon8685 wrote:
Or, alternatively, perhaps mod authors should make the OP of a mod thread user-friendly? That's all he was asking for, really, was some user-friendliness. Those who are not wise to the ways of the programmers are liable to see all of that and assume you have to do some CSI crap to make it compile and go back to looking for something more user-friendly.

You're beyond helping. Try using your frickin eyes.

How the hell can you miss that?
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 3:00:13 AM
Between a download number that does not start with a 1 or greater, and the fact that most people tend to skim a post before they click on any links, it's not so much a frickin' matter of missing it as seeing all the java in the post and assuming the frickin' post is about a proof-of-concept, work-in-progress, or nonworking frickin' prototype version.

Get the frickin' picture yet?
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 6:07:22 AM
This sounds interesting to me, anyway could you possibly replicate known galaxies and play them?

oh i don't know, maybe the milkyway?
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 3:39:33 PM
you are now in davea's killfile. Enjoy smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 4:05:57 PM
Gameslayer989 wrote:
you are now in davea's killfile. Enjoy smiley: smile

Like I give a toss? I get called stupid, and when I try to explain how a reasonable person could make a mistake, I get talked down to like I'm am imbecile and Prassel goes off the deep end and starts "Frickin" at me. So I responded in kind.

Ban me, moderate me, I don't care. This game and these forums mean very little to me and the reception I've got so far makes it clear that established users are welcome to treat newcomers like dirt in any event.
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 7:09:16 PM
ShadowDragon8685 wrote:
Like I give a toss? I get called stupid, and when I try to explain how a reasonable person could make a mistake, I get talked down to like I'm am imbecile and Prassel goes off the deep end and starts "Frickin" at me. So I responded in kind.

Ban me, moderate me, I don't care. This game and these forums mean very little to me and the reception I've got so far makes it clear that established users are welcome to treat newcomers like dirt in any event.

No, just retards that cant read. And don't come back.
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12 years ago
Jan 25, 2013, 9:55:05 AM
And, I think that's enough for now! I hope you managed to download the mods you wanted, Cluebat. smiley: smile
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