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[WIP] Heroic Heroes

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12 years ago
Jan 27, 2013, 5:33:51 AM
I've been somewhat absent for the last several months due to a crazy work schedule but I've been lurking. What I am seriously considering (for a change) is a complete revamp of heroes which is probably overly ambitious. Mostly likely it will turn into a proof of concept as I'll concentrate on completing the core of the mod and then adding whenever I can. Anyhow, I'm still very much in the process of brainstorming and to be honest would appreciate some input. The basic gist or premise behind the mod is that heroes in their current form are very... boring... similar... frustrating when RNG doesn't pop the right class... Now what if heroes differed only in image / description and minor variation of stats when selecting them? Their class being defined through a talent choice after recruiting?

Heroes are designed through a stat distribution, appearing rather random in some cases (IMHO), consisting of 15 points defining their attributes.

Hero 1 (Admin/Corp)


Total 15 Attributes

So far what I've done is rebalanced the first six heroes as if they only had a total of 5 attribute points. I attempted to base their stats on the description and race. ie sophons get +1 wit, sowers +1 labor if there is the opportunity. Found a minor bug hero 3 and 4 descriptions incorrectly refer to the other hero...

Therefore hero 1 now becomes the below: Personally it makes no sense to me why an admin/corp hero has +X Melee. (Melee is used for MilitaryPowerInvasion, StarSystem defense)

Hero 1 (Admin/Corp)


The player/AI then will immediately be granted a single talent point on which to spend on the hero for free defining the class of the hero; Admin, Corp, Commander, Pilot, Adventure. Currently I'm just giving Admin +10 labor and Corp +10 wit. Maybe I should consider doing a split instead? +5 labor/+5 wit rather than a straight +10 to a stat?

Thereby transforming Hero 1 into the following: (I'm choosing Admin in this example)

Hero 1 (Admin/Corp)


Total 15 Attributes

Now since I'm doing this, I also want to make it somewhat more interesting (apparently a random variable generator might be in the works for selecting a random number which could really be interesting for this). To this end I'm also adding -15 attributes to every hero, again I'm still brainstorming but +15 stats and -15 seems a good idea... Hero 1 would now become (negative -5 to melee/off/def is associated with the admin talent, not the heroes themselves, although I'm strongly considering adding -5 to all heroes and changing the talent -attributes to a -10 from a -15)

Hero 1 (Admin/Corp)


And while I'm at it, why not change some of the talents around, I've seen some interesting suggestions on the forums for new hero talents, and I've played around with various ones myself. I personally liked my change to propagandist +1 approval per pop in star system per war (max of 2 wars) when compared to the standard +30 approval. Becomes rather OP in late game on massive systems, I was exploring a log style scaling system before I became bored.

Now the other big issue, when attempting to come up with apporiate attributes for Commanders/Pilots/Explorers I rather stumbled and then basically gave up. What is the difference between a Commander and Pilot description wise? They're both supposedly well suited to serving as admirals in fleets but how to differentiate between them for attributes? Why would I want to be forced to give an Adventurer melee, offense or defense... I could give a commander +1 melee, pilot +1 offense and an Adventure +1 defense but that seems boring. Now I'm considering adding a couple of new categories for classes. Maybe charisma? Travel Speed? Any suggestions. This second half is more brainstorming after I flush out my intentions for the admin/corp heroes as described above. It shouldn't be difficult to add a couple of new categories.
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12 years ago
Jan 28, 2013, 8:59:38 AM
I make micro mod with change heroes, hi has simple mechanics but i think is better than default.


Next you can see:


Where davea rebalanced hero skill tree (but now mod is not compatibile with last version of ES)

And last i hope that DEVS make something with HERO, because its looks like wrong hero design path (with minimal mod possibility)
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