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Strange goings on

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12 years ago
Jan 29, 2013, 1:58:00 PM
I know this is a pretty basic problem but for some reason mods don't seem to show up when i've followed all the instructions I could find. The game is updated to the latest (I'm assuming) 1.0.49. I did like the guide said and made a folder called "Modding" within the endless space folder in my documents. Not sure if it might be a problem with the mods themselves though, I've tried to install a sandbox mod I found on moddb and the 'bonuspointsmod' I found on here. Neither show up in the mods list. screencaps can be provided for authenticity but I was just wondering wether it may be something i've overloked as this is the first time i've messed around with Endless space. :S So any help would be greatly appreciated.
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12 years ago
Jan 29, 2013, 3:16:10 PM
Most of the mods you find on moddb are out of date and probably won't work. Please see the "shopping mall" thread here, which is patrolled to remove obsolete mods. To double check, you have a save game directory such as (my documents)\Endless Space\Save, and adjacent to that you have (my documents)\Endless Space\Modding, and under that you have the mod directory, and that mod directory contains a file index.xml plus some other files. Is that correct? Putting the files in the wrong location is the most common problem.
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