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What else should I do for my new affinity?

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12 years ago
Jan 29, 2013, 12:12:56 PM
I was trying to add a new affinity for my new faction,

(I added the name AffinityXX, and changed 5 technology xml files, as well as the faction, factiontrait and empiretraitdescriptor. All of the changes are copied from other factions, no new creation. That's all I can find related to affinity)

but when I use the new faction in a new game, there is no starting ships (scout + colony)? I rechecked in the FactionTrait.xml, as you can see below, there is nothing changed, it should be all the same as Horatio? or have I made a mistake somewhere? Please help!

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12 years ago
Jan 29, 2013, 4:11:27 PM
TraitStar tingShipColonizationHoratio;TraitUnlockingTechnoHo ratio => there are space here. That should be the mistake ^^
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12 years ago
Feb 1, 2013, 5:39:06 PM
unfortunately, it's not it, I don't know why copy & paste gives those gaps, but when I checked my file there isn't any gaps.

I have given up already, now if I want an new affintiy, I just changes one already there¬smiley: frown shame¬
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