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Anyone had problems with TargetProperty="Population" in EmpireTraitDescriptor?

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12 years ago
Feb 1, 2013, 5:22:08 PM
I tried to add 1 popluation (NOT Max population) to each colonised planet, so what I put in is:



It did the trick at first few turns, I can see my staring pop is 4 instead of 3, and when I colonise one new planet, it immediately have 2 pop.

but a few turns later, after couple of pop increased, the population suddenly went off the chart? my entire system pop cap is 31 and my pop reached 47! Is there something wrong with this TargetProperty=population thing? But I still want to know what exactly it means? plus, I have a question about the path as well, when it point to classplanet, it dosen't always means each planet? sometimes it means per population? and where can I change this?

Please help thanks!
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12 years ago
Feb 1, 2013, 8:49:46 PM
We cannot control how often the simulation object is executed. What you have written is that each time the object is executed, the population is increased by one. Evidently the object is executed many many times, at unpredictable times.

What is the actual effect you want? Horatio should start with a population of two on a new planet instead of one? You might do this by giving them a colony pod ship module which is half size.
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12 years ago
Feb 1, 2013, 11:00:25 PM
davea wrote:
We cannot control how often the simulation object is executed. What you have written is that each time the object is executed, the population is increased by one. Evidently the object is executed many many times, at unpredictable times.

What is the actual effect you want? Horatio should start with a population of two on a new planet instead of one? You might do this by giving them a colony pod ship module which is half size.

I want to let Horatio have 2 population every time they colonise a planet, you mean give horatio a special ship model? interesting! I haven't tried to touch the ship model yet, would you mind point me to the direction?
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12 years ago
Feb 1, 2013, 11:16:11 PM
davea wrote:
We cannot control how often the simulation object is executed. What you have written is that each time the object is executed, the population is increased by one. Evidently the object is executed many many times, at unpredictable times.

What is the actual effect you want? Horatio should start with a population of two on a new planet instead of one? You might do this by giving them a colony pod ship module which is half size.

BTW, if you were right, why it works on MaxPopulation? if I changed the targetproperty to maxpopulation, then each planet have one extra population cap, and one only?
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12 years ago
Feb 1, 2013, 11:42:37 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
I want to let Horatio have 2 population every time they colonise a planet, you mean give horatio a special ship model? interesting! I haven't tried to touch the ship model yet, would you mind point me to the direction?
I propose to give them a ship "module". Many of the existing techs give a special module, such as a UE armor module, etc. Any module can be unlocked by a particular affinity.
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12 years ago
Feb 1, 2013, 11:52:23 PM
davea wrote:
I propose to give them a ship "module". Many of the existing techs give a special module, such as a UE armor module, etc. Any module can be unlocked by a particular affinity.
Great! You're here, I tried to find it, but there is nothing about civilian module in the civilianmodule.xml or any other module file. can you help me?
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12 years ago
Feb 2, 2013, 5:05:03 AM
*If* i remember correctly this is one of the hardcoded features right now, similiar to how every colony starts with the same sys improvement. We can define what the system improvement is, but not what system improvements are granted. I wanted to fiddle with how much pop a colony/ship took on build and that wasn't changable unforunately.
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12 years ago
Feb 2, 2013, 4:41:08 PM
davea wrote:
In my initial racial diversity mod I did exactly this:


Looks like the key piece of code is this, in EmpireDescriptor.xml:



It makes all civilian modules on all horatio ships 40% smaller, so you can fit two pods onto a starting transport.

Oh! i got what you mean, to make yhe civilian ship have 2 pod. actually it's not exactly what i wanted. i want to make colonization as a way to fast increase the population, i.e. civilian ship consum 1 pop to produce but provide 2 pop on the new planet. is there any way to do that or similar?
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