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Bonus Points Mod

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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 12:31:04 AM
This is quite possibly the simplest imaginable mod, but I also expect it will rapidly become a favorite.

This Bonus Points Mod lets a player buy dummy Negative traits that give no penalties and exist only to give the player an easier time of it by increasing the number of trait points available to them, or to buy "positive" traits that give no bonuses and exist only to heighten the challenge by reducing the number of trait points available to them - possibly below zero! At maximum, the player will literally have to buy every single negative trait currently available in the game simply to break even and thus make the game accept their custom faction! Whereas on the other end, maximum bonus points turn the game up to eleven, allowing the player to start with any or all of the positive traits available to them.

This is currently a 1.0. I haven't yet been able to figure out the Prerequisites to make the bonuses and penalties lock one another out, but honestly I doubt it's a big deal.

Installation instructions (For PC)

1: Download BonusPointsMod.zip to your computer.

2: Open the ZIP file.

3: Navigate to ~Documents\Endless Space

4: If there isn't already one, create a Modding folder.

5: Extract the BonusPointsMod folder from the zip file into the Modding folder.

6: Launch Endless Space.

7: Go to Mods.

8: Select Bonus Points Mod and run it.

9: Enjoy.
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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 4:07:36 PM
z1ppeh wrote:
cant download?!

These forums are crap. I had that problem too. You can try clearing your cookies, but if you're using Firefox, the best thing I can tell you at the moment is that these forums don't really support Firefox and you'll have to use Chrome or something. I'd probably try another browser first if you already have one installed, save you the trouble of clearing all your cookies.
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12 years ago
Jan 25, 2013, 7:10:16 PM
Okay... big problem. I installed the mod, running version 1.0.14, and... there are only your challenge mode and bonus points perks, other than that.. .nothing.
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12 years ago
Jan 25, 2013, 9:02:26 PM
Well, that could be because you're running an outdated version of the game. I'm running 1.0.49, which I assume everyone who runs the game through steam is as well.

My speculation would be that between 1.0.14 and 1.0.49, they added a system by which in non-standalone mods, the original .xml files are all properly loaded, and then everything in the mod's files are appended. Pure speculation on that, either way, what is clear to me is that, with the FactionTrait.xml and 1.0.49, I get the bonus points and challenge mode options in the Anomaly menu when creating a new race, and of course, all the original options as well. If you're dead-set on using it with an outdated version, I'd suggest finding the appropriate FactionTrait.xml for your version, copying everything, and pasting it all in above the entries from mine. (Or vice-versa.)
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12 years ago
Jan 25, 2013, 9:52:45 PM
stimtheone wrote:
I installed the mod, running version 1.0.14.
No mods will work with a version that old. Please use steam to update to the current version of the game.
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12 years ago
Feb 3, 2013, 4:20:48 PM


Being logged in with firefox -> rightcklick on File -> "Save Target....." ^^

(This may not work as since the "Save file..." command is not present in the dropdownmenü if you right click)

It's of topic but maybe it helps others with same problem oO"
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